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Puppies are hard-wired to appeal to us, with their adorable squishy faces, little paws, and wet noses.
But there is more to young dogs than downy fur and floppy ears.
In this Video We Have Listed 10 scientific facts about them to coo over.
I have a dog that I was told it was born with wellness, and I am not sure what type of breed she is?? She kind is look like a Samoyed but there bit of orange in the fur, her face looks like that she’s gone through her moms make up purse and got caught and only got half of her face done.
I have Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
My Jack Russell-Chihuahua was rescued after being abandoned by her mom. She was the runt of the litter, so was pretty much hand raised. She has the sweetest, most well rounded personality of any dog we've ever had. Attentive, protective, loving, and well socialized, she loves other dogs and humans, except at home. There she is very protective, but not vicious. Love to have 3-4 more just like her.
My husky had 8 puppies
I love baby Germen Shepherds ???
Pittbull puppy
In my recommendations… Hmm i like it!
Rottweiler pup
“0:55 in other words it’s okay if your puppies an idiot” ???♂️?
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