A powerful earthquake rocked the island and has left at least one hospital without power that comes on the heels of a 5.8 magnitude quake called a foreshock.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2N0GTVJ
A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Puerto Rico in the early hours of Tuesday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The quake hit close to the town of Tallaboa on the island’s south coast, at 4:24 a.m. local time (03:24a.m EST) at a depth of 10 kilometers, USGS said.
#ABCNews #PuertoRico #Earthquake #PuertoRicoEarthquake #TemblorPR #TerremotoPR #USGS
I am so glad this is happening. Satan is taking the positive out of electricity so there will be no more one day, an official separation of the energies. Humans are nothing but matter that trapped spirits into a life of misery. These are permanent black outs …
Aparently the gov is drilling oil of the south part off the coast. This is huge. Greed is taking over. Do more research on this drillings and you will see. Is a dangerous area to drill.
To the person that reads this, I ask the Lord to bless them and their family, to cure them of every sickness and pain, to fill their emptiness with love joy and peace, to rebuke the enemy from their lives. " ASK JESUS TO COME INTO YOUR HEART AND SAVE YOU, AND TO FORGIVE YOU OF YOUR SINS, FOR WE GIVE THANKS AND GLORY TO THE LORD. IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN!
Good thing Boricuas got family up in NY, CT, MA, PA, RI, NJ, DE, And Florida ????
We’ve had more than 1 thousand that one was just the strongest one that day I believe we’ve had like 15 major quakes and the rest are below 5, this is not normal in Puerto Rico at all, were used to hurricanes not earthquakes. Still Australia is having a bad time too, so if there’s any Australians reading this we will keep you guys in our prayers.
Thank you for helping us here.
Estamos ORANDO x ustedes Morristown NJ.
I am not e religious person, but someone is really piss off at puerto rico MI GENTE LA COSA ES EN SERIO!!!!??????????????????????????????????
They think they can get $92 Billion again? NO
I'm leaving 2 Puerto Rico Monday god please help everyone in Puerto Rico n keep them safe as well as myself n in laws
I live in Yauco,Puerto Rico and it was super strong, it was a terrible never in my lives I never thought I was going to experience something terrible
Thank God
Is anyone dead?
Fuck you ABC
Wow, I really feel weird that my Snapchat video made it all the way to GMA. I will keep my prayers going for my parents who are going through this as of this moment.
6.0 today…??and It's just the start
Why does God hate PuertoRicans?
The center of the earth is an ocean of lava. We're living on a time bomb. FACT. Live , Laugh , Love EVERY DAY. Survival is your choice. Do NOT depend on your government. Become a prepper.
It's not just one,we happen to be caught in the middle of a tectonic battle between the Caribean Plate and the North American plate,that's whats causing these quakes,and theres more to come
Another one just hit this morning at arround 8:00 Am,it wasn't as strong tho,probably 4.2
Have not heard about this at all in Australia ?
1:55 ?
Can they give us 2019 again? 2020 is broken
Was awake when it hit us. It was terrible. Hundreds of replicas since, felt another one right now at 6:26 pm Jan/10/2020. I live in the San Juan area kinda far from the south area where the quakes are centered at but they're still ridiculously strong. We're ready with our emergency bags just in case.
I was in that earthquake and it was super scary ???? i was sleeping then I wake up and my parents are screaming and we got out of the house and we slept outside so nothing happens to us then these days we felt a lot and if we are going in our house it needs to be quick so nothing happens to us it's sooooo scary ?????? bc i never experienced an earthquake and this is my first time being in a situation of an earthquake btw I'm from Ponce
Puerto Rico is strong i know u will recover from this ?? god bless my family and friends in the island besos a vegabaja y manati ?
Not repeating false. It is a scandal that the Messiah did humanly die but had the power to raise Himself from the dead. You know nothing, but think yourself wise based on logic. A fool says in his heart there is no God. If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, His remains would have been found. Read the inspired WORD of God called The Bible. There He will meet you, if you have the guts. You have nothing to lose except your worship of yourself.
We just got power back in P.R. Tensed situation and we are still feeling tremors.
Earthquakes indicate that the infancy of the Earth /planet is breathing and healthy. If energy were not released deep in the Earth's crust there would be no human life on Earth and the Earth would look like the moon. Heaven is a place on Earth.
Would not waste my breath watching you George you are fake news just like the rest of your network.
So funny. Everyone trying to act relevant by sending their thoughts and prayers lol. Like seriously…
I hope the government of United state help these people otherwise a really bad immigration to Orlando Florida is about to happen we’re full out here with no jobs and pretty high cost of living Rent etc.
Please God bless and protect my island,my family, my friends and everyone there Lord,in Jesus name Amen ????
Lord keep Puerto Rico safe May your ???? Holy Angels watch over those in Puerto Rico??
Puerto Rico ( a.k.a 'Ghetto Island' & 'La Isla Del Engano' & ' The Tijuana of the Caribbean' ) ) A TRUTH THAT MUST BE TOLD
This pathetic miserable island is distinguished by its high crime, poverty and joblessness, which are far worse than in any of the 50 states. The island's economy, moreover, has fallen further behind the other islands over the past four decades. Bad inept government and very low moral and ethical standards of most of its citizens is largely to blame.
Yet most Americans tourists are oblivious and unaware to the Caribbean island's problems.
Puerto Rico is the bottom of the barrel in the Caribbean. Too bad, it could be a nice place…however, the high crime and drug trafficking have destroyed it. It is dirty, overpriced and overrated big time !. If you want a nicer, safe beach and lower cost, just go to Florida. If you want a nicer Caribbean vacation, just go to about a dozen other destinations in the Caribbean.
Puerto Rico has a population of 4 million, meaning 40 percent of Puerto Ricans are on food stamps paid by the federal government ! Many people in the island practice syncretism, the blending of traditional Christianity with African religions that arrived on the island with the slaves imported during colonial times this are done with SANTERIA dirty rituals are often seen on the streets and sidewalks ( Devil Worshipping and Ancient witchcraft Only about 10 percent describe themselves as Catholic, once the dominant faith. NO wonder why they are so ignorant and have such low ethical and moral standards.
How prosperous is Puerto Rico?
Not very, by any standard. More than 53% of the island’s residents live in poverty. The median household income in 2015 was $15,350. Puerto Rico’s colossal debt load — now close to $84 billion — has left it in a state of deep financial crisis. Its inability to maintain basic infrastructure made Puerto Rico highly vulnerable to severe hurricane damage that destroyed much of its water, roadway and electric-power systems
Although the supplemental assistance cash is designated for eligible food items, it is widely acknowledged that participants use most of their allotted cash for non-food essentials, drugs and illegal gambling, now that is dumb !
The smaller than Jamaica Island is filled with high crime, drugs, thieves and killers, way too many hard core criminals for such a small island and a fake witchcraft religion that has divided the population.
Most US Hispanics stereotype Puerto Ricans as dumb, or with lower intelligence but.. as you can see there's some truth to it:
The food stamp program has had a negative effect on the population they even admit they use the money to buy pot, guns and cocaine. The 'boricuas' of 100 years ago would be ashamed of the current crop of 'boricuas'. No wonder why most other Hispanics consider Puerto Ricans, lazy, dishonest, corrupt and heavily dependent on US Government handouts. Most other Hispanics agree that Puerto Ricans speak the worst Spanish language dialect in the western hemisphere, in fact they don't even speak good English either.
Among other problems: rampant identity theft by P.R. immigrants – often from the 'welfare' island – who use stolen Puerto Rican birth certificates to obtain U.S. passports, Social Security benefits, and other federal services available to Puerto Ricans because they are U.S. citizens.
In a recent sample of 8,000 passport fraud cases investigated by the State Department, 60 percent involved Puerto Rican birth documents purchased illegally for as much as $10,000
Puerto Rico's annual income per person was around $12,000 in 2004, less than half that of Mississippi, the poorest state. More than 58% of the island's people live below the federally defined poverty line. That poverty rate is nearly four times the national average, and more than twice as high as in poor states such as Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and West Virginia.
Has anyone ever noticed how much ( false ) pride Puerto Ricans have? At the same time many Puerto Ricans are filled with Anti-American sentiment. Most Puerto Ricans see the United States as a symbol of Imperialism and a very oppressive country to their beloved little island ( smaller than Jamaica ). While many Puerto Ricans have spent time in different cities throughout United States, return migrants and their children are often ridiculed because of their inability to speak Spanish with the same accent and lexicon as natives and their poor English language skills, so the Dumb Puerto Rican is NOT a Myth. There is an old well known saying among the tourists : "HAiiiiy ! BENDITO que sucio esta Puerto Rico ! "
Puerto Ricans are the most violent offenders in NYC, they are the poorest group in NYC.
The Island of Puerto Rico is known as Zombie Island due to the all the crack heads. The wrongly imposed name of ' La Isla de El Encanto' this a Myth and a distortion of oversize proportions !, Puerto Ricans have been here in the US as long as Italians, Cubans, Colombians, Dominicans and other Hispanics and while Italians, Cubans and Colombians have moved on to the Suburbs, to upscale single family homes Puerto Ricans are still living in the projects in section 8 housing ghettos and high crime neighborhoods ( The Hood ).
Well the logical question must be asked. Why would a prideful bragging irrational with an identity crisis people such as the Puerto Ricans constantly vote to remain an American Territory (Commonwealth )over the past 5 decades?
The people of Puerto Rico vote every 4 years (during the same time we hold our American Presidential elections) towards becoming an American State, remaining an American Territory or becoming Independent.
During the last two elections Puerto Ricans rarely voted to remain an American territory (49% of the vote) over becoming a an American State (48% of the vote). While the voting toll for Puerto Rican Independence was a mere 1%. If Puerto Ricans are such patriotic and proud people how is it possible that only 1% of the population wants to become independent from the United States?
Keep in mind that Puerto Rico is extremely poor. As of 2017, the per capita income there is half that of Mississippi, which is the worst-performing state in the U.S. by that measure. Moreover, 50 percent of Puerto Ricans live in poverty. Thi territory has been incapable of paying its debt since 2017. Put it simply, Puerto Rico is an economic pathetic miserable sinkhole. The General Accounting Office has estimated that the added tax burden coming along with statehood would cause enormous job losses and damage the economy of Puerto Rico even further. What benefit would the American people get from adding to the union a bankrupt state with a tanking economy? NONE
The primary language spoken there is Spanish.The number of residents fluent in English is less than 20 percent. That fact alone should give most Americans pause about whether Puerto Rico should become a state — people who don’t share a language will have difficulty working together at a job or sharing a common culture. Puerto Rico has demonstrated they only want our handouts, and none of the responsibility that statehood demands.
Puerto Rico doesn't want to become the 51st state. It has held five votes on the question. Three times, the people of Puerto Rico said “no.” The fourth vote was indeterminate. The fifth time, 13 percent of Puerto Ricans overwhelmingly said “yes” — but the anti-statehood party refused to participate because of the way the referendum was worded, and the vote was therefore practically meaningless. In other words, it’s unclear whether a majority of Puerto Ricans have ever wanted the island to become the 51st state.
Americans don't want a bankrupt, mostly Spanish-speaking, left-of-center state with an incompetent government full of junkies and welfare leaches to join the union even when it’s unclear whether most people in that pathetic little island wants to join in the first place. It’s understandable, shameful and unpatriotic, that Democrats might put their narrow party interests ahead of what’s good for the country in backing Puerto Rican statehood.
The answer is Welfare. Each year American tax payers send over $17 billion dollars to Puerto Rico in Welfare (social services) alone. These social services include food stamps, public housing (Los Caserios), and college tuition for Puerto Rican students attending American funded universities. To make matters worse Puerto Ricans do not pay any Federal Taxes. This means that American tax payers are getting back very little into what we are putting into Puerto Rico. As an American Tax payer we all have a difficult time sending our tax money to an island that constantly votes against becoming an American State. You don't have to be the smartest cookie out of the bunch but it's safe to say that there is not much logic behind this.
What does the United States get in return for all of our tax money and services? The answer was the Vieques Marine Base which served as a strategic base in the Caribbean Sea. However, the United States lost the base when angry Puerto Rican protestors were claiming that the Base was a symbol of American Imperialism. Many of the protestors even burned American flags during their protests (yet Puerto Ricans rioted when American boxer Bernard Hokpins tossed the PR flag to the ground).
The other insignificant and mediocre service provided to the United States from Puerto Rico is a very small number of their citizens who serve in our arm forces.
However with Puerto Rico's population of 2 million, Puerto Ricans do not even make up 3% of our Arm Forces ( If you asked a Puerto Rican they would tell you a lie that 90% of the United State's Arm Forces are Puerto Rican ! ).
There are no feminists in an earthquake.
I love my mom
GoFundMe dedicated to aiding those affected by the earthquake.
I KNEW this was going to happen some day. Im a contractor from that states. Just sold a home in PR 2 years ago. I've been doing construction in P.R. for decades in the winter months. They have NO real building codes, know one pulls a permit they all just wing it. Most of all you see is hand mixed concrete whch its mixed too watery and kills the concrete PSI strength. They actually hand mix their concrete on the asphalt roads in front of their house or on the concert driveways and use WAY too much water so they can more easily pour it in a column. They dont use concrete vibrators to get the air bubbles out of the poured columns. This is what happens when over 40% of kidsm now adults quit school in PR
God bless Puerto Rico. ?
Don’t worry our compassionate President will take care and send all the paper towels needed
Black people leave the western hemisphere. Fuck all these make Western European pay for it .
Estamos bien a pesar de todo, we're doing okay even though the circumstances are tough.
I wanna Medella.
My family is from Puerto Rico and we visit it every four years, soon I believe I believe 2018 will be the last time i see Puerto Rico ever again.
They MADE A GO FUND ME https://www.gofundme.com/f/1v1d8qfpxc?sharetype=teams&member=3477046&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&rcid=8e6a9f3c4df9419fb2bf6c9777bd42a7
And just like when the hurricane hit, watch how a lot of them gonna come to america & move in to the black neighborhoods because the wyt supremacists arent gonna let them move into their area, no matter how much wyt azz they kiss. You see how things just flip at the drop of a dime? And no, not all PR's dislike black folks because thats definitely not true. Its some that are mad cool peoples but its a lot that like sh!tting on black folks but wanna emulate everything we do.