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Videos:Thirst Trap: H20 Fails
When you feel like you have seen every fail before…
Fat people fail HARDER!
00:48 love how they wiggle lol
This is why is away from water parks and diving boards
2:35 that pool is fucking disgusting how could you swim in that.
1:37 arf
It's so boring ?
What does it mean H two zero?
1:15 who else thought he pulled his arm joint but it’s just his long arms? ??
0:01 i believe can fly
Are there no new fails? It's recycled videos every time anymore.
If you dont know bare skin + dry Plastic dont mix then your a WANKER!!
Do trampoline fails
None of these are from 2019. For fucking shame.
:47 nice…very nice
Fat people getting stuck on slides is the leading cause of pool slide deaths in America today and is not a laughing matter. How many pool slides must die before it stops??
3:31 dude with the horse mask ?
Omong opo iki aku gak ngerti
What was that de tihs H20 delirious
It's H2O
So which is a bigger fail: the channel Failarmy or all of the fails added together?
Watching that hurts.
Are we not gonna talk about the dude in the horse head?
2:23 bron going down the slide at highgarden
I mean after awhile it’s like you’ve seen the same thing over and over again..
Don't forget to hydrate!
Not gonna lie, the girl on the thumbnail is pretty nice( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
0:22 Aang?
That screeching of skin on a dry fiberglass pool slide makes my teeth feel like they want to jump out of my mouth.
HoLy BeEpUs
2:25 Sir Bronn of the fucking Blackwater ?
4:55 this is gold ?
these are just white people
when u watch 10 failarmy videos and see at least 1 fail 10 times……
que pelotudez lo de las remeras
My question is why do you keep reusing the same videos over and over again. Can’t you find any more content or is this just a dead or dying channel? Cause I can’t tell