6 Strange & Mysterious Unexplained Things Caught on camera 2020!

Spread The Viralist

Check out these strange unexplained videos! From what some claim is paranormal to the unexplained caught on camera!

My Film/Found Footage ch: https://www.youtube.com/user/qqqTOXICqqq

Source to the Ghost in the tree (Thumbnail) TY to the Paranormal Activity show!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGXzl_ze6Ck


★DrPhil59 AKA The ChemtraiI Whisperer★Leonard Mott★ P Dunaway ★Allison Knight ★Peter Wilson★Lisa Gabriel ★ Hawkelson Rainier ★Donna Mcfadyen

MUSIC BY: CO.AG MUSIC & Myuu & Kevin MacLeod & Ross Bugden &
CO.AG MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA
Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/myuuji
Kevin MacLeod: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSZXFhRIx6b0dFX3xS8L1yQ

^^ SUB to these guys! I use their awesome music a lot! :]

Youtube Fair Use Example: https://www.youtube.com/yt/about/copyright/fair-use/

For copyright matters please contact me: Fightbig.com@gmail.com

This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism and is believed to be “fair use” in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.


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About the Author: looknowtv


  1. the tree top incident happend just 5km away from my home and its a hoax not real and the lady standing was actually a widow she works in a farm and i know her very well she is alive and i see her daily she laughs also when i told her that you r a ghost and your video went viral

  2. Dude…ask everyone to tweet at utube for this channel to be monetized. U do such a good job and your such a nice guy..really….your not imposing on anyone. Continued success, Argo

  3. In this day and age ghost shadows orbs and really been detected Everywhere but I just wonder when a ghost appears does it also have orbs release them selfs as well for different purposes as well there has been many times where ghost will appear and then all of a sudden there are also orbs as well or are the orbs there to hurt for the ghost as well thanks again Rick for the freaky content thank you.

  4. 2:47 That's an apparition of the Virgin Mary above the church in Zeitoun, Cairo in 1968. I remember that. I was 10 yo when that happened. It was in the front page of the local newspaper.

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