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Hi guys, thanks for your supporting and watching on my channel, please you can also watch this link and comment: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=tuBemRikCZM
The dolphin was really. Cute and the dog the dolphin actually saved the dog's life, I really like that part, I hope you guys are safe and make sure the dog is not that far from your boat does that somebody can just hop in and get the dog.
Dolphin hit the shark
This really cute
This video brought tears to my eyes.
Be so much without the music
Shit video.
love this
dolphins and dogs are my favs!!
Ok so ya this is click bait cause if someone is there watching this happen why not help the dog
I'm thinking this is from an episode of the old TV series Flipper.
I love dolphins
Seems legit lol
Aww so cute
This is so cute! 😀
Awe best friends forever!!?❤?
This is so cute and adorable that the dolphin saves the dog aww❤❤?????
Good dolphin good life
Dog ? : I’m living the life ?
Dolphin ?: sup dude
Shark ?: I hate u dolphins ?
Me: what a cute dog ?
This is from a movie
What's the song at 1:30?
I just love that a out of every dolphin that could of been there good or bad that this dog was blessed by a good dolphin^_^
Yo were the glow sticks at!?
I love dolphins
This isn't real lol.. it's from a movie.
Bro i felt bad for that dog he slipped off of the boat (poor dog)
Weren't sharks already gone?
OMG bless that dolfin for saving that little dog…he was that dogs guardian angel for sure! ?
Thats why i love dolphins
This cannot be real. Dolphins are afraid of sharks. Dolphins would escape, the moment they encounter a shark. It's a beautiful story, but not real. Sharks are lions and tigers of the ocean, while dolphins are deer and rabbits of the ocean. In fact, seals and dolphins are the sharks' most favorite food.
Just too fake bro
Omg this is awesome
that was a good one haven't watch flipper in years
so sweet
Maki chot teri vo hammad laga