Earthquake Rattles Puerto Rico; At Least 1 Dead | TODAY

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A series of powerful earthquakes and aftershocks have rocked Puerto Rico, creating damage and power outages. At least one death has been reported. NBC’s Sam Brock reports on TODAY.
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#PuertoRico #Earthquake #TodayShow

Earthquake Rattles Puerto Rico; At Least 1 Dead | TODAY


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  1. Perdona a las familias que pasaron por esta desgracia que Dios los bendiga, no quiero sonar arrogante pero por lo menos con esta trajedia se dejan de matar unos a otros sea por falda de mujeres, puntos de drogas, ser oh frontiar como bichotes en las calles, ahora pueden ayudarce amarce y quererce como projimos como mismo dice la Biblia

  2. They will be begging for help and money and blaming Trump when no help arrives. Do something for yourselves for once like Japan…..A Tsunami destroyed a nuclear plant which they had up and running less than a yr later, and didn't BEG for help….

  3. Follow solar weather, as soon protons levels goes up and hit earth, earth shakes to release the preasure… its the SUN not men, we are just a speck of dust in a vast infinite universe.

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