Two male Guanacos fight ruthlessly for mating rights over the females and dominance. Subscribe to BBC Earth for more amazing animal videos – http://bit.ly/BBCEarthSub
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Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you’ll find 50 years worth of astounding, entertaining, thought-provoking and educational natural history content.
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Asique..asi pelea Necko
Razor sharp? Lol no
pacos be like
narrator: those razor sharp teeth… he aims for the testicles
North bureau Stacy, ciao d craze tutor
I though they were cute friendly animals but noop ??
00:03 when my crush tells me hi
So this is what happens when the wandering trader is gone.
At first I was like, ha! looks at those Guanacos, how the hell are they gonna fight? ridiculous… then … "He aims to the testicles with razor sharp teeth" Pikachu face
Downvote because SJW
The Guanacos fighting:
The males sitting and watching: wow
son guanacos patagonicos ..
Не пытались скрестить с лошадью этого Альпака.
Tiene algo del Kangaroo
ese daarick se pasa :v
The females face at the end!! Lol. Get it girl.
I would scream too if my balls get chewed up ????