Welcome to Blake’s Exotic Animal Ranch
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Edited By: Dylan Moll
Business inquires: ??? HIT US UP!
Get a couple more peafowl
He is such a cutie and is going to love his new enclosure once he gets used to it! Looking forward to the pond build!!
Are u gonna make more dog vids because my did is about to have pups and I just wanna tell u that we are going to train our pups to be strong as yours so they can be the same strength and I do like pitbulls and I like my dog too and my dog is really big
Love your wideos, ur so kind for these animals
wtf was the intro keep up
the good work
Start the video at 0:42 your welcome
make an exotic bass pond
Follow me on instagram DLOCKE85
You can get some Guinea pigs or some prairy dogs for o. The boddom with peachry
That looks so much better ❣️❣️
Can we get a tour of all the animals
I really enjoyed that video that’s definitely in my top ten love Blake’s content
Lit probably in my top 3 animals at the ranch ????
To sto si mu napravio od kaveza s3 tebi sviđa njemu možda ne
Yo Blake can you Go to Australië to resceu animals and you can put a resued animal in your ranche
It awesome to be able to do what you enjoy.
Bruh I could smell peach tree shit
I think you should make a reptile area
I love how much you care for your animals and never give up!
Love your vids ❤❤❤?
Come on people- click "LIKE"
So that’s what all that thick 10 foot plus wood was for?
As im watching this there is a hawk watching me
Yo blakey like your videos and all but damn 90% of your video its all you talkin alot?
He's going to have so much playing in there now ✨ love the effort you put in for your animals for them to have natural like habitats ??
That was nasty to watch peach tree do that. You didn’t need to have that on your Channel.
Yes, I would of loved to seen him run around in the new set up in his in closure
blake you are the best youtuber ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wish we could have seen him at night. The enclosure looks great.
He’s the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen
What happened to your giant tortoise
Why would you watch it turd nice?
Dope video
Thanks for the pink eye !!!!!
I'm amazed how many people on YouTube, a place to teach, are so lacks with safety. In the 'Land of law suits for no personal responsibility' aren't you afraid of being sued when some ding-a-ling cuts his toes off moving a cage while wearing flip-flops…..because Blake showed how to move a cage on his YouTube channel…..and since there is video evidence………….?
Hey my name is Shanna and I was wondering if you were going to ever raise koi fish
What about a bigger cage???????
Subscribe to me and I will start a YouTube channel ????
Update on emus and sting rays