*Special thanks to these authors for the provided material. Support them with Likes and Subs!!!*
Madison Dash Cam – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKVPE3ZdVB-xVBaFvuaRdjQ
Noah Rance – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeuUlMuwdpYZ86mVi4Q6CGw
Veljko Roškar – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGnpHytUKwru_-CxklkibsA
zrockets fan – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diW3AoyJtP4
Turn in Track Out – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0P7PQmrXXFb3TPAz_nf3wA
Eugen Brinzoiu trucking dash cam Montreal – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6lGsdVd33MXzZwS-zBKlA
Jack – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Rgkibj6_3RgBYzH77T_2Q
OriginalAxepack – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX78-_XtET-T94azLwVhnEw
Jhan Ohrenberg – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqo-YJFPltAxQeo5sTGZSYg
Oktobre – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeCGzzCCBy9KIms63oIUTWQ
Greg Freedman – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWU_FErT1lk5OJ18MVmwFyg
kramerjn01 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEMkoMYRgnWcJGCzlDCcIbA
skeet0rz – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCah7aaebDxrALVorDczkgkg
pcsrule – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEXf3DTdHCjD5quw1DzDEVQ
George Smith – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClLfOIW9n-G2N_lUSI51awg
Bay Area Dashcam Dump – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKTyvvvSY63sPdRt8S0tnWA
Wildmen 03 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ846zGuCD1kK8q1KcGFAGA
Zackary Huddleston – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLFsLUx4OJ7IlojPM1UVKHQ
Naveen Raju – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHrfeRjzZuux80dgTZR0H6A
Shwangk – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv7nj1OG9W0FSR1RF-WM0uQ
Henning Kemner – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXxIs1D55ySkIlDucsCpDyQ
Thanatos X – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCap_BelZALOgXoFQArkMs-A
Haziq Mohamad – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCReWmBEEnVIrI9E698n63qQ
Dear viewers, if you own the copyright to any video posted on the channel, and you are against placing your videos on the list, and if you want to see your video in the compilation please write us:
link to the affiliate program – http://yt.xdigital.ru/Service/R/2678
Please email your clip to: sergeyrap94@gmail.com
This work is protected under US Copyright Law [Fair Use Clause].
Clips featured in the following compilation are intended for educational
and journalistic purposes. The commentary on each clip solidifies
and clearly portrays my intent of teaching my
viewers to be better drivers as well as express my
take on what happens in the clip.
It isn't GUNS that ought to be banned — IT'S AUTOMOBILES!!
Нуу… без полиции как-то не то.
Никто никого не догоняет… ))
The trailer lifting up on right I use to do that everyday with a 48' wheels at rear turn steering wheel to left and it will lift also around a fast corner either left or right it'll
Lift up.
Go head Mr truck??
А где мастерство то?????
This music is giving me road rage
Many of these people deserve to be hit. They're probably thinking they are skilled drivers since they've never been in an accident, but in reality the other drivers who avoided hitting them are the skilled ones.
Куда ты дурень ЕПАШИШЬ на 07:46?????? Ты что не видишь баран, что впереди затор???? А потом чуть не вьепавшись ты ище бухтишь урод себе что-то там под нос вместо того, чтобы выбросить на обочину и поджечь свой ебливый байк. Далее ходи пешком, коли тебе не дано водить технику. Из тебя будет хороший мирный пешеход! Таким уебкам, как ты нельзя доверять ни какую машину!!
8:00 I like his attitude
Not many know know to use a round a bout. Too many idiots on the road.
No matter how good a driver you are or how careful you are, there’s always fucking morons on the road that can kill you.
Get rid of the gay background music
0:38 this dude has extreme driving skills
Man what's with the clickbait title? There were only near hits in this video
I wanted to see near misses !
1:15 that McLaren is already damaged after that no matter what.
This gives me road rage??
This random up beat elevator music is tripping me out.
Yes you may use my video clip if you like
The terrible music almost ruins the video!
1:02 when you only have 30 min. Lunch break and the drive thru takes forever!
No clips from Russia…but then there would have been contact ?
Finally excellent recordings of very good drivers. Watching Polskie Drogi I always wonder why nobody tried to avoid the situation rather than driving directly into it. Now I have seen that there are good drivers too – all my respect! And with good skills, the luck follow close by 🙂
Drivers Skill some of these places you have to go to Drivers school before license is issued and if its not do it.. insurance discount at some company's
“Go ahead in front of me Mr truck”
Смени музон , вообще не в теме
foki foki
Why is there a happy music being played in a car crash video
Hay gente que nunca deberían salir de sus casas.
Like the NPC‘s in GTA
These people are so calm. Id be screaming "WHAT TF IS WRONG WITH YOU?, FUCKIN IDIOT"?
I bought a dash cam after I almost got hit by two cars that were racing a red light in a turn lane when I had the greenlight to go through the intersection. It’s was really close and I had the green light 100 yards before I got to the 4 way. So there fault not mine.
There wouldn't be so many assholes on the road if you could charge them with attempted murder! Prison time would certainly deter those assholes that don't give a fuck about anyone else's lives! The current penalty system doesn't seem to work!
It should be changed to if you cause an accident that causes injury, you loose your license for good never to be allowed to drive again. And if you cause an accident without injury, on the third strike you lose your license for ever. That'll teach them, and also reduce traffic congestion because all the idiots will have to take the bus. Make that two strikes and you're on the bus!
9:38 Lotsa deaths in scoooooter countries i'm sure
Просто повезло
Ребята, оцените мои ролики! Я ЕЛМ мейкер, по Сампу! Делаю адаптации на заказ!
so much for the 3 sec rule, people not paying attention.
I instaled a P.A speaker in my car so i can call other pricks an asshole and i love it
1:49 The first 8 is upside down
??? 90%lucky 10%skills.
Ну, сегодня так себе.
Всё равно зелень.
На дорогЕ*
I always watch to make sure I'm not in one of the clips ???
2:00 typical montreal lmaooo
I like the fact the dude on the bike actually admitted that was his fault normally it's the other way around when they have a camera on them