TOP 5 SHINY FAILS OF THE WEEK! Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Montage! Episode 11

TOP 5 SHINY FAILS OF THE WEEK! Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Montage! Episode 11
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The Top 5 Shiny FAILS for our Shiny Montage Countdown!
Epic Shiny Fails in Pokemon Sword and Shield!
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Week 1:
TOP 5 SHINY REACTIONS OF THE WEEK! Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Montage!

The Top 5 Shiny Reactions of the Week, presented by aDrive! In this video I break down the top 5 user submitted Shiny Reactions from Week 5 (Episode 8) of Pokemon Sword and Shield! This new series will showcase Shiny Hunters, big and small, and bring our Shiny Hunting community closer together! Be sure to show love to everyone in this video! LIKE, Comment and Subscribe! Which reaction was your favorite?

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Learn how to find Shiny Pokemon Here:
NEW SHINY METHOD in POKEMON SWORD and SHIELD! How to Get Shiny Pokemon in Sword and Shield!

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Our Top 5 for Week 7 (Episode 11)






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  1. The last one happened to me a couple days ago, I was just gmax raiding and found a shiny gmax machamp, I figured it would never happen again so I used my master ball, 2 hrs later I joined a gmax grimmsnarl and that was shiny too..I was so devastated as gmax pokemon are so hard to catch! It didnt even roll once.. ??

  2. How do you release a shiny? And also not even save. You really have to be dumb to release a shiny. I got a shiny riolu from breeding and I saved at least 3 times and put in my PC and saved again. I don’t understand how people forget to save.

  3. I'm so tilted that they don't try to throw quick ball first before doing the false swipe tactic. Also could've probably realized the hail thing too if he started with quick ball on the Kingler one.

  4. Why would you even attack a level 7 pokemon with a level 44…. that's bound to 1 hit ko it either way. Usually of I even score a shiny just throe pokeballs at it, itll eventually stay in. I never attack unless it's to paralyze, or sleep to avoid the wild mon from running out of PP and fainting from its struggle recoils. Straight uncultured swines! They got what they deserve!

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