Can you figure out who is gonna survive the new year? This is Best of the Week.
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This is Happening is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry’s Dark Horse. The TiH team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first!
To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at http://jukinmedia.com/licensing
“This is happening” is something a rapist would say.
Same clown… different mask
Delete your channel dont change the name. Apologise for lying about your fair use claims
This is Jukin media after rebranding. They thought changing their name would keep their scummy business alive. Downvote everything and spread the word
You messed up so bad Jukin!,everyone hates you now and I don't think it's going to improve
You dare attack the black viking!!? You arselings
Scam alert!!!
Absolute scumbags
I hate greed and bullying so I'm going to unsubscribe and dislike your content
jukin get killed pls
DISLIKED, frauds.
Evil business model by ex jukin media
Copyright Strike on Jukinvideo, a.k.a. This Is Happening
Hahahahaha. Nope.
You can't hide from us devils!!!
Hey there jukin get ready for some trolls
I want to use my STANDO POWWA on your scummy asses
This is the same company as jukin media. dislike video
Keep them coming
Wow what did i miss? Why so much hate for this channel? The vid was not that bad.
!ALERT! This channel is run by jukin media remember to dislike !
this is jukin media so as @TheQuartering said ''keep it classy'' i wil now say, You sir are a twat and i kindly request to find another way to hide, prefferably just dissapear like in your dear mums buttomshole. good day to you sir
I dislike this video in the names of Lord and Lady Immersion.
Please consider unsubscribing to these bullies
Foook jukin media dislike dislike dislike
The cowards run with their tails between their legs. Pathetic.
this channel is juken videos aka juken media!
Just noticed in the description "Can you figure out who is gonna survive the new year?"….
It sure won't be Ju(n)kin media, cuz everyone knows that "This is Happening" is not happening… not now not ever!
The ju(n)kin puts the lotion in the basket…