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targeting penalties are way to strict and are hurting the game. I'd be surprised if the guy who came up with it ever played a down of football.
honestly how some of these players kept there jobs ill understand it
you should check 2:30 ,where you can see no.2 of the offense kick no. 95 of the defense in the crotch
Uuuuffff men.
“Rips the helmet off rudolfs head”
Okay so you didn’t see he started this..? Also that he first tried ripping dudes helmet off roughly than played the victim??
Privilege at its best right here.
7:56 must have never seen a fight in the MLB. Punches actually land when bullpens come out, not just hitting 4 inch thick helmets and pads.
hopkins had a great tackle
Donald picked freeman up and carried his ass ?
I was just glad to see the hat come off.
Did you see that game where a guy pushed a guy?!
Lolol 13:12 yea bro, that's a for sure ejection ??
11:58 omg dude. You cant do that ??♂️
10 years from now that helmet will be on pawn stars for ten grand
Instead of a kickoff they should have designated fighters square off at the 50 yard line. Winning fighters team gets to choose kick or recieve. The fighters would have to be non players so each team could roster fighters separately.
Mason Rudolph such a pussy got what he deserved.
Marvin Lewis: How would you like to win?
Browns Defense: Yes.
at 11:17 you see that he was kind of holding his helmet being slick but this folks is the definition of its always the second person who gets caught
around 10:35 it look like his helmet broke for a minute this is a great compilation
Anyone else see number 77 on the rams pulling devonte Freeman’s hair and throwing him down ?
13:10 homie got someone thrown at him and then punched in face lol
Ogunjobi is the biggest pussy on this list
That tackle by Hopkins was clean. NFL getting soft.
Soon they will be playing flag football
la di da nothing ever happens. typical american sport full of pads and helmets
Some real assholes there!
Boss music starts playing
Ed Hercules walks in
I just realized he was knocked out when he got hit, see how his body just crumpled over.
13:29 shouldnt have fucked up like that 92
Garrett is just trash. Like the rest of Cleveland.
The browns continue to get fucked on bullshit calls every year. That incident with the Steelers multiple players shouldve been suspended. Its really getting to be ridiculous. Its blown calls and bullshit suspensions every year. How can we ever build a team again with all this bullshit going on.
Fuck Myles Garrett
Nice flop Olsen.
NFL so soft now. Pussy shit.
This game has become so pussified it's hard to watch sometimes.
Professionals……… Far fricon from it!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing you children make as much money as you do , But still act like children when you don't get your way!!!!! Unreal?!?! Best part is you people still spend money on tickets to go see a bunch of over grown children that have to have that participation trophy no matter if they hurt some one or not!!!!! Good job America!
Bruh vintage burg it is a price of shit
Helmet to helmet should be allowed fucking pussies
Hope the dude that slammed the saints player got disqualified
that keon alexander hit was nasty. on his old teammate too smh
I understand most of these ejections but come on now some of these player's didn't intentionally just go out of there way to make a helmet to helmet play, they throw them ejections like it aint nothing was just watching some ray lewis clips boy has the nfl changed ?♂️
The Devontae Freeman V Aaron Donald , did 77 of LA ever get in trouble for pulling down on Freeman’s dreads until he went to the floor ?