A couple from a remote country town in Queenland, Australia posted apparently a paranormal video which gave mixed responses in the social media. The newly married couple, Andrew and Jenny rented and moved into a new home in early June 2015. Ever since they moved in they started feeling like a third person’s presence in the house. On 20 June 2015, when Jenny went to toilet around 2am, she allegedly saw a woman in the hallway. She suddenly turned the lights on, but nothing was there. The most surprising and disturbing claim made by the couple is that the so called extra invisible person in their house always makes scary noises while they couple has private moments like sex.
Again, on 21 June 2015, when the couple got home late night, the front door was kept opened. They vaguely saw a woman in the drawing room. On the same night they saw woman at their kitchen which apparently just vanished when the lights were turned on.
The couple informed the landlords about the extra ordinary incidents they witness. They showed their reluctance to believe this story.
Finally, the couple shot a video of a paranormal incident which happened on 30 June 2015. Andrew posted the video in Facebook and the couple are getting lot of questions regarding this incident. The video shows when Andrew and Jenny heard repeated noise from somewhere in the home, they wandered through the apparently small unit. Suddenly they saw a woman sitting on a chair beside the dining table, tapping on the table. Andrew suddenly turned on the lights and they could see nothing. However, unlike other days they found blood stains on the dining table and laundry.
While most of the people who watched video commented believed it as just a prank which was created by the couple, a priest, does researches in exorcism, who paid a visit to this place, stated that the place is seemingly haunted by some unknown energy. Experts claimed that the red liquid which was really blood, however didn’t seem to be human.
The couple has vacated the house. The house is located in the far northwest of Cairns in the state of Queenland.
This is very scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy