The Taal volcano near the Philippine capital had been on alert level 4 since the eruption began on Sunday.
Nearly 44,000 people fled the 14 km danger zone around Taal, south of the capital Manila, where volcanologists warned that a devastating eruption could rain rocks and magma, and set off a tsunami from the lake in which the volcano sits.
For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/6424186/taal-volcano-philippines-life-threatening/
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They are not brave, they just dont have any place to go where they will not be scammed and used by cortupt ploliticians to prop up their ambitions.
Support for Philipiness from Serbia.??????
this looks so cool
Someone offer that guy a Kleenex already
Wow since the day that volcano erupt until last friday. There were 566 earthquake happn in just 5 days :/
What happen now the eruption of Taal Volcano?
What i really appreciate about this is how brave the locals are. You can hear them in the background, just going about their busines (and whistling a tune) as if it where any other day….in spite of the volcano. My respect to the philipinos. You wonderful people…keep safe.
Message of GOD to ALL Filipinos!
I know 87% of the filipinos are supporters of the President. Politics
aside . From the religious point of view it is clear GOD is speaking to
us filipinos through the natural calamities (earthquakes, drought,
volcanic eruptions), diseases(dengue, new strain of polio, etc.,), and
job displacements that the middle east war may bring. The frequency and
timing of the disasters are extraordinary or supernatural.
I am
not a religious fanatic or a person with an unsound mind but GOD is
speaking to me in my dreams and in my conscious world that HE is very
displeased and angered with how our president mocked HIM and made fun of
HIM and HIS teachings. Some of our fellow filipinos laughs with him.
How he (Duterte) used conferences, events, and even religious
ceremonies to mock GOD, to call HIM stupid, to challenge anybody if
anybody can prove the existence of GOD or JESUS, to question the
truthfulness of the stories in the Bible. Many of these are documented
and have video footages so you can easily verify.
Just two days
ago in our newspapers Duterte again vented his anger on the Catholic
Church without any provocation. Bragging and boasting finally he was
able to silence them by continually bulshitting them, tuloy tuloy na
pagmumura ng putangina sa lahat ng kaparian, and shaming them for their
misdeeds. What is puzzling he spoke this in a Baptist Celebration. This
is one of his agenda to destroy the Catholic Church as he publicly
declared. His intention for this is to divide and conquer all
Christians. To eventually wipeout Christianity in our country.
GOD is very clear in the HOLY SCRIPTURE that HE is not to be mocked! I
agree we are in the last pages of the Bible. Everything is being
fulfilled according to the prophecy! But still GOD has a choice whom HE
blesses and whom HE punishes in this LAST DAYS.GOD gave us the FREE WILL
what role will we play. Will we play the role of being indifferent,
insensitive, and supportive of the Man who mocks and shames HIM and HIS
Church or or will we play the role of a person who is on GOD side by
letting everybody knows our President's BLASPHEMIES should stop once and
for all and let our president know that he (Duterte) should lead all
filipinos in a National Day of Repentance and Prayer! Like what the King
of Nineveh did in the Old Testament.
We should not be blinded by
our President's sympathy for the suffering and less fortunate
filipinos. He is doing this not for the Glory of GOD.Never in an
interview or video footages did he clearly said that what he has done or
accomplished is with GOD's help or for the glory of our ALMIGHTY. The
Holy Scripture said that even Satan can make himself appear as an Angel
of Light!
Now to address the Question of all Filipinos What is
Happening in our Country? My answer is the spate of Calamities, deadly
diseases, bad economic turnaround, world war 3 suffering threats are
GOD's way of saying to our President " You declared to the whole world
that you are clever, madiskarte and I AM stupid. Now I AM giving you the
chance to prove that. SOLVE ALL THESE PROBLEMS!
GOD loves us so
much! He even gave us HIS only begotten SON JESUS CHRIST to save us! But
HE also gave us the Free Will! So its up to us to choose!
taal volcano unpredictable eruption maybe next day next week or a couple a months
Ibig sabihin diyan medyo kumalma na ang Taal. Kung gusto niyo makakita ng violent eruption edih masama kaya yun. Take notr Violent eruption from a volcano is freakingly deadly. It would be a threat to many lives. Pasalamat nlng tayo kasi ganyan lang ang nakikita natin.
Walang kwenta..
5 hours of nothing. Canada Tax Dollars at work.
Surprised Trudy didn't show up dressed as a lava lamp.