A bunch of nerds told us not to talk about sports, so we ignored them! Today @aliceavizandum, @oldmananders0n, and @donoteat1 talk about the worst disaster in the history of British football Justice for the 96, you’ll never walk alone
listen to trashfuture: https://trashfuturepodcast.podbean.com/
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Please look at Alice's twitter account. She posted a truly disturbing meme. What was it? She said that Christopher Hitchens is burning in hell. Why? Because he supported the Iraq war? Nope! Because he was harsh towards Princess Diana even after her death? Nope! Why does Alice think Hitchens is burning in hell? Because he denied Islam.
Please think about that. If you are a non-Muslim, Alice believes that you belong in hell. How sickening is that?
Whater you still using Chrome for? Firefox is the true browser of choice.
"Bayern Munich" really shits me because it's a dumb mix of translation and non-translation. It should be either Bayern München, or Bavaria Munich. Come on.
i have a crowd crush on the entire global proletariat <3 🙂
My uncle died in the Hillsborough disaster
I want more podcasts about islamic architecture with you guys ??
Also fucking South Yorkshire Police. Every time there is a bad story about police in UK there's a 90% chance that it's from the South Yorkshire Police. Guess which police force was responsible for covering up grooming gangs? Ding ding, fucking South Yorkshire Police. That entire force needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from scratch.
Time to rename the podcast to "Well here's your hour of sports"
trigger warning: sports chat
Orange crush
Suggestion for a less depressing (kind of) topic for next or a future episode: Penn Central: The Railroad Born to Die.
Alternately, for one that actually is pretty funny (aside from, ya know, few people dying), The Great Boston Molasses Flood, possibly as a double feature with the Great London Beer Flood of 1814.
can confirm about being able to bring fucking anything into the stadium. One relatively recent incident from [undisclosed Balkan country] involves a hooligan killing a cop by shoving a flare into his face
thanks for the new phobia
Oh boy! I can't wait to watch the episode on the Tacoma Narrows bridge next week!
After those Vancouver hockey riots, the common line was to blame people from Surrey, coincidentally the poorest and almost the least white suburb.
I'm disappointed…. Twitch? you fucking shill
You can talk about sports. It's just that American football isn't a sport: it's a bunch of overweight ballet rejects giving each other chronic brain damage in between ads for pickup trucks.
As a scouser, but someone who was only 2 years old at the time I obviously only know of this disaster from secondhand accounts, but pretty much everyone knows someone who was affected. My dad used to work for Liverpool City Council and one of the lads who worked under him lost his life in this disaster, his best friend in work had no idea and my dad had to break the news to him (he thought he was still drunk and had overslept). The people of Liverpool will never forget (This is from one of the blue half). Don't buy the s*n, JFT96.
Not activating Windows is praxis.
Okay so Jefferson is now a tacoma narrows bridge disaster
if you are looking for a "humorous" engineering disaster, you should check out the 1919 boston molasses flood. if you want to get a good source, dark tide by stephen puleo is a great place to start. a flood of molasses seems crazy as hell, but it is (as usual) due to (spoilers) capitalism. please check it out sometime!
human crushes make my skin crawl. something about them is just extra disturbing to me
Speaking of people dying from the hajj, the last smallpox outbreak in Europe was in Yugoslavia in 1972 when a pilgrim contracted it and brought it back home to Kosovo. The epidemic infected 175 people, killing 35.