7 Horrifying Snowboarding/Skiing Close-Calls

7 Horrifying Snowboarding/Skiing Close-Calls
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It’s no secret that snowboarding/skiing can be an extremely dangerous sport. Lots of people wear GoPros while they ride, and once in a while, some shocking close-calls can be caught on video.
*No death is shown in this video, just near-death experiences*
Also please consider this video a “bonus” video; I almost didn’t upload it because I had to intentionally lower the quality of the videos just so that they wouldn’t be detected by YouTube’s flawed copyright system (which doesn’t detect fair use).


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About the Author: Mr. Nightmare


  1. This is basically just a bonus video that I was about to delete forever. Quality sucks for a reason, had to lower the quality to avoid Youtube's crappy content ID system falsely flagging fair use. So, enjoy this for what it is I guess ?

  2. true story: my family went to winter park resort in colorado for spring brake when i was 11, My brother (14 took 2 friends) and another family was also with us. So the third day, we went on some place called eagle way, It was super flat and was meant for skiers, but i snowboard. So as we went we came to a veryyyyy narrow place where one person had to go at a time. so i went and accidentally slipped off the side and into basically sudden death but i caught onto a tree. everyone else didn’t know bc i was the last to but my dad noticed i wasn’t at the end so he came back to get me and i had to let go of my snowboard and just let it free fall all the way to the bottom ?

  3. My dad broke his leg skiing in Austria when he was younger, the scarring is gnarly as hell on his calf. He's one of the lucky ones, the emergency medical team was able to get him out okay and he didn't have too much lasting damage. Scary af though.

  4. In may i went snowboarding with about twenty people. It was my second time ever snowboarding. I went with my dad and fell, i slid about 5cm away from a cliff. My dad (panicking to the max) tried to grab me and got me within this distance. If it wouldent have been for him i would be dead rn

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