Sadie is a 6-year-old German Shepherd/Border Collie cross who was adopted from an animal shelter in 2009. She loves learning new tricks and recently learned to play the piano. Watch as she turns it on and plays a few notes! Filmed in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Source & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zjku-rescue-dog-plays-the-piano.html
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My dog cleans up his own poop
By eating it
Que hermoso
Wow another talented and smart dog just like Buddy Mercury! You're both super and great! Bravo! ?
Aww! That is so sweet! Thank you for sharing this! I'm smiling ear to ear and chuckling at the the absolute cuteness!
Wow!! Great playing! He plays better than me!!
Is she playing the spliced version of In a Dogga Ga Vida ?
Trained n forced to play the piano not like buddy mercury who plays by pleasure ?
Thats not a piano and viewbotting is scummy, try again
Geez that dog need som lessons!!!
My dog is a professional guitarist lol
Her and the beagle that plays piano are. Definately getting a grammy nomination for the solo of the year.. They will be TOP DOGS on the category.
Great job Sadie! You'll have to give me lessons. : )
Oh you are too cute!! You are a rocking dog for sure. Now if you learn to sing you and Buddy Mercury can take over the music world!!
Absolutely Precious ???
To cute love it
More precious than I can describe. Rescue dogs are amazing beings who will reward you with unconditional love if you bring them into your home and life, love them, shelter them, care for them as you would a family member. I love dogs so much. ❤️??
Beautiful, Gorgeous and Amazing
Shukrun. Beautiful Concerto mistakes and all.???
So smart!
She's wonderful..
Quality Jazz
Who's a good girl? Its you isn't it ? Good girl dog.
I want her in my band
Ugh. Another yuppie control freak with a dog.
Ok funny boys who leave a comment… You should acknowledge that this dog is incredibly smart!!!
FUNNY DOGGIE. I wanna see more of that.???
AWWWW Doggy good Job ??
that's exactly what I do if I make a mistake
Really cute, My dog is lazy, he won’t do anything except wait for his food and get his belly rubbed
It’s a good boy.
A virtuoso.
Hahaha that was too cute
Aww so cute!
That's the most organ looking piano I've ever seen
That proovs dogs can be trained to do anything
what an awesome treat slave you got there! 😀
Your beautiful German Shepard has personality and talent
my dog was a young natural plastic surgent he fixed my nose… lol
bravo!!… cheers to you dear… omg how adorable.
That's the cutest thing ever!!!