10 AMAZING Animal Rescues Caught On Tape! Sometimes, after a long day, or even before one, we need a little boost. You know, something to remind us that there are good people out there, and great things happen all the time. This is why we’ve compiled a list of one of the most tear-jerking, faith-lifting things on the internet, animal rescues. From pups stuck in wells to even skunks saved by humans, here are the Top 10 Animal Rescues Caught on Tape!
10. Drowning Dog Catches A Break
9. Street Dog in a Tar Drum
8. Trucker Rescues Fox
7. Turtle Trapped in Cocaine
6. Cop Saves Kitten
5. Deer Rescue
4. Dog Saved from Floods
3. Daring Wolf Rescue
2. Man Frees Kudu
1. Not A Goalie
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#animals #rescues #top10
"Thanks, but I still hate you"?
Precious animals ?♥️
All of these made me happy to see, I’ve been thinking that animal rescuers were extinct
Please give credit to @whildliferescue official channel for Deer rescue part
My Dad and I took a fox we found to our local vet after we found it injured at the side of a busy road. It had been severely injured and all the vet could do was to humanely put her to sleep. It was heartbreaking when this wild animal spent the last moments of her life wanting to cuddle into me, all the while staring into my eyes. I think she understood that she was being put to sleep and took comfort that she wasn’t alone and wouldn’t be in any more pain. The good side of the story was that the vet recognised she was nursing cubs, so he informed the RSPCA of where we found her so they could search the area for a den with young cubs in it. The four cubs (approx 6 weeks old) were duly found not far from where we found their mum.
The cubs were taken to a wildlife sanctuary so they could be cared for and reared to be safely released back into the wild.
It's nice to see people helping animals instead of needlessly killing them.
Once as i was going to get something to eat i saw a Magpie had flown into the very small restaurant and flew head first right into the windows thinking it could get out that way, and hitting its head, i picked it up and turned it to the outside as the door was open and let it fly out, it was the first and only time i ever held a magpie and the magpies are my absolute favourite bird so holding it for a few seconds at least was wonderful
#3 really had me feeling the emotions.
I wouldn't saggy I've outright saved am animal in a life or death situation but I did help in two separate occasions.
First was when my neighbor abandoned her pit bull on her pitch and someone hell bent on breaking into her house to find his daughter threatened to kill the dog so I sat on the porch and held the dog as animal control was called. They handed me the tether since I had the dog's trust and they took him away. I informed them that the dog was a good boy despite the name Killer.
I hope they found him a home.
The second time, I was in a Dollar Tree store and a bird had flown in and couldn't get out. So I carefully dropped my hoodie over it (on the first try!) and scooped it up and let it loose.
Felt pretty good about that.
? nice to see all of these animals got rescued
Bravo for all the people saving those animals. I've seen quite a few of them already. I think the dog stuck in tar was my favorite one. Thanks ??
That dog in the tar bin got to me so hard. I mean he looked like a rat stuck in a glue trap. I'm so happy he was saved 🙂
Sorry Jim, but I had to report that thumbnail…… it's pretty disturbing to use it.
I love Wild Life Aid. Great people.
I did once bird was much wet of water because it was rain and I took it and make warm after that dry and fly a way??
Somebody will need to 'rescue' my GFs cat, the next time he wakes me up like he did this morning…… tapping my head……
Have you ever had the chance to save an animal before?
Glad they were rescued ??
That last one was hilarious the fox turned around to say thank you but I still hate you LMFAO I saved a crow when I was a little girl
I'm not crying. You're crying.
I've been rescuing all types of animals, birds & reptiles since I was a child. Very rewarding!
Hey! I doubt anyone sees this but if one person reads this it will make my day?but to people reading this I hope you have a great life and future?I know that fame doesn’t happen happen over night but I’m trying my hardest to become a successful Youtuber??Wish me luck and everyone who is trying you will get there???
That looks like something off of Venom Jim. The thumbnail.