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Please be advised that this video contains a detailed and comprehensive list of the 10 most dangerous and deadly animals in the world.

10. Box Jellyfish

In terms of worldwide human fatalities, the box jellyfish is easily the deadliest creature in our seas…

This remarkably venomous and dangerous animal kills many more people than sharks do — with around 80 people fatally stung annually.

9. Domestic Dog

The beloved domestic dog is far from a ‘born killer’. However, approximately 150 people do die annually in dog related incidents…

…with the vast majority of cases resulting from human misconduct and negligence.

8. African Buffalo

Known as the “Widowmaker” or “Black Death”, the tremendously robust African buffalo has a fearsome reputation among big game hunters…

…with specimens known to ambush and attack their pursuers — reportedly goring and killing 200+ people annually.

7. Elephant

At 12 feet tall and weighing 12,000 pounds, these magnificent animals are ‘quite a handful’…

Certainly when startled or provoked, elephants can be very dangerous indeed — trampling and killing about 500 people every year.

6. Crocodile

These renowned apex predators need no introduction…

With size, stealth and speed, these awesome, extremely dangerous and deadly creatures are responsible for an estimated 1,000 to 2,500 human deaths each year.

5. Hippopotamus

Hippos may appear somewhat docile and nice, but it’s still best advised to give them a wide berth…

…as they are in fact notoriously aggressive and quick to defend their territory, killing nearly 3000 people annually.

4. Scorpion

Famous for their unique tails and menacing stinger, these highly venomous critters can pack ‘quite a punch’…

…with the 25 most deadly species of scorpion thought responsible for nearly 5000 human deaths every year.

3. Tsetse Fly

The tsetse fly of mid-continental Africa transmits a parasitic infection which can devastate the central nervous system…

…resulting in an estimated 30,000 deaths annually (which actually represents a drastic drop on prior years due to increased screening and treatment).

2. Snake

There’s a good reason most of us fear snakes, they can prove very deadly, dangerous and hazardous to a person’s health…

…with conservative estimates suggesting they kill at least 50,000 people each and every year.

1. Mosquito

The humble, pesky mosquito is not to be underestimated. These miniature vampires nibble on billions…

…of people annually — transmitting life-threatening parasites such as malaria as they do so…

The World Health Organization claims that mosquito bites result in the deaths of over 1 million people every year…

…clearly making them the deadliest animal in the world!

The music — called “Horror 1” — was composed by Android Music.


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About the Author: Incredible World


  1. did you know that most snakes arent responisble for human deaths nowadays most snakes are realy friendly still there are venomus snakes that can kill 5,000 people but its highly unlikely i love all your videos and want to subscribe 1000 times but i cant

  2. Sorry but they do not kill 50,000 people a year they estimate only 56,000 people die all together each year. Soo this list alone goes over that humber

  3. Everybody, fear the fly and mosquito. They will rip your arms off and bite your head open.

    I hate it when people say those animals are dangerous. No offense. Mosquitoes are potentially dangerous, and the chances of dying from a mosquito bite are 1 in… OVER 9000! Actually more. 9000 people get bitten more than 9000 times in their life and suffer no harm. Some people get sick maybe at the 3000th time.

  4. the mosquito is deadly out here were im from theres mosquitos that cause sickness my mom had it once chicuncuga thank god it was not a deadly one but very deep in in the jungle theres mosquitos about 1 or 2 inces long

  5. And all 50,000 of thoughspwoplw killed by snakes brought it on themselves…they probably stepped on the snake or attacked the snake seeing as snakes DO NOT hunt people….yes yes i know this is contarary to all the stupid movies out there like anacondas,1,2,&3 or vipers….but it very simply does not work that way guys…snakes (even a large female green anaconda that just gave birth wich also happens to be the lagest snake on earth weight wise will NEVER try to eat people it would run long before attempting to eat some one….) so are snakes dangsrous? YES should we be scared of them NO should the stupid and unexperienced leave wild ones alone HELL YES should we be careful and give them their space YES its just like a bear….treat a snake like you would treat a bear….with respect..respect that its powerful…that it wants nothing to do with us and our stupidity and that it wants to be left alone

  6. Ants and leeches are not useless,ants can be like stitches to close cuts,but it's sad that you have to snap the head off.leeches can suck out infected blood out your body.these two little creatures really helpful.if you don't believe this,look it up on google ore YouTube.(thank you for reading.)

  7. Uhh, I'm just gonna say that mosquitoes should be moved back 1 spot. Why? Because humans exist. Humans are animals and we cause death everyday whether accidentally or intentionally. We kill ANYTHING or ANYONE in our way, such as other animals and even each other. We don't only have the potential to exterminate other species, but also ourselves along with our very own planet (this is likely). We have super-high intelligence which could be our very end. Btw, just saying XD

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