Crazy VS Bikers | Skateboarder falls in front of biker

Crazy VS Bikers | Skateboarder falls in front of biker
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Many short clips of people acting crazy towards bikers. Motorcyclists often get angry when car drivers are idiots and drive like crazy, because they can get hurt. There is a lot of road rage in the video mostly because of stupid and crazy car drivers that do not pay attention to the road or bikers.

Some bikers are also just trying to be nice and prevent future accidents by telling the drivers that they need to pay attention to the road. There are some close calls and a few near misses with cars that could have easily been avoided if the car drivers didn’t drive like crazy. It’s easy to get angry at the motorcyclists for driving slightly recklessly, but there is no reason for car drivers to act stupid on the road and rage at everyone else.

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About the Author: RoadRage


  1. Mad driver: tailgates moto
    OP: moves to another lane
    Mad driver: rolls down window and throws phone
    OP: catches Hey, thanks for the free phone! drives off

  2. Please change title to motorcyclist not biker. These are not bikers. The majority of bikers would just get on with it since they know how vulnerable they are also more skilled riders would see most of this coming and avoid it.

  3. Cars and trucks pull out in front of "big rigs" ( 18 wheelers ) YOU are no bigger than the bug smear on the windshield.. RIDE like your life, is in YOUR hands… And you can be an old "gray beard" … Ask them how they got so old.. And can still ride…

  4. I've been watching these kind of videos for a while now and the conclusion I've come too is, women are mentally insane but still always in the "right" and most bikers havent got a clue how to ride or how to act.

  5. Living in England, I can't believe how many other countries still allow drivers to have the front side windows dark tinted, they were banned over here due to them increasing collisions by not being able to see fully.

  6. Tell a judge in court someone was in your " blind spot " and watch him-/-her and the rest of the courtroom piss their pants laughing because contrary to any bullshit or belief in traffic , THERE IS NO SUCH THING OR DEFENSE !! People who use blind spot as some kind of excuse are dangerous… stupid… and should not be driving.

  7. meanwhile while cussing out the lady in the Toyota he left his bike running like a dumbass PERFECT WAY to get stolen

    EXCUSE ME!!! why don't you tell the cops that i have video footage of you being on the phone…..yeah…yeah..mhm…didn't think you had anything to tell them now huh

    you……calling me….a nigga…..AND YOUS A….CRACKA……bru 😐

  8. Since i've been watching this channel i've gotten so much more respect for bikers. Most cardrivers are really stupid and cant look in their mirrors. Thats why i always look twice

  9. 0:15, it’s good this biker had a sense of humor about this, otherwise the Addams family may have captured him for their lunch. @ 1:54 get those mirrors!! @ 2:55 a true retard alert. He’s angry cause he missed the short bus to work and had to drive.

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