Rescue Homeless Dog Has Cancer Skin Make Broken Your Heart
Subscribe to Animal Rescue Channel: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
Courtesy: پناهگاه حیوانات رسا(rasaanimalshelter)
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: nguyenthithiqnu@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#animalrescue, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Update please.
Pero que porquería de vídeo, a caso piensan que nos pueden mentir, son unos desgraciados que comercian con el sufrimiento del pobre perrito, que tipo de ayuda le dieron, no le dieron de comer y tampoco lo revisó un veterinario, son unos malditos farzantes ??
Es ist so traurig, daß manche bzw. viele Menschen nicht helfen wollen. Herzlichen Dank ???? für die Hilfe…. Tiere wollen genauso LEBEN wie wir Menschen.
Worst "rescue" video yet that I have seen. What was the point of showing this? You do not show poor thing being taken to a vet, fed, etc. Honestly, so many of these so-called rescue channels are just a waste. You have nearly 11,000 views at this point, all of us wondering what will or has happened to this poor, thin, sick creature.
Pobre anjo! !!???? Desejos de cura saúde e muito amor! ! ❤❤❤
Great job
Nice rescue bro
Thank you and thank you again !
How are this guy now???
are you going to find him a home ??
Bless you guys for saving this dog. The world truly needs people like you
助けてくれてありがとうThank You?優しくしてくれて本当にありがとうございます(*´ω`*)?
God bless this Beautiful Precious Angel. Thank you.? all.? involved in helping God's Beautiful Precious Angel. Please, do an update on this Precious Darling Sweetheart.?. Is he getting properly taken care of? A safe clean place to live. Healthy food,clean water and medical care. Please let us know. This is heartbreaking, Cruel and evil to let God's Beautiful Precious Angel suffer like that for so long. Someone should have gotten him help.
This poor dog looks completely broken. Is he in a shelter or loving foster home? Please update and please continue caring for this precious pup❤️
Tadinho, meu Deus!?? Deus abençoe vocês!?
Q.infamia sacar provecho de un ser tan indefenso y en ese estado tan enfermo como pueden ser tan malvados !¡ Cdmex
Why didn't you feed him?
Muita dor no meu peito ??? ???
Y ni siquiera le dais comida al pobre perro.. pero esto que es? Una broma pesada? Ayudarle de verdad con tratamiento y comida
Strong for dog.
Please, please, please UPDATE!…. ????
But we don't see the end…
horrible ni comida le han dado, que hp
He's so afraid – please update his progress. That's what some commenters are wanting, myself included. thank you for caring for dogs in need.
Monstruo humanos abusivos malvados nooooooo maltrato animal crueldad ?????????????????????????????????????
Poor thing is truly pathetic, and probably never had a bath. So sick he could barely stand and seemed scared though could have been pain. God be with him and you.
Mangiare la ?
Oooooooooo dio mio kristo aiuto aiuto aiuto???????????????????????????????
Ovo je užasno jadna kuca
Esto es una estafa ni agua ni comida
No puedo creer que no le deis ni agua ni comida? La piel es más q evidente que requiere un trataniento, pero no comprendo como no le dan agua y alimentos, se mueve arrastrando su esqueleto, creo q es el instinto de salvación, pero ustedes no darle alimento es un escándalo, solo les importa grabar, es falta de piedad
Por caridad lo primero es darle de comer, nesesita vitaminas no puede con su cuerpo, es terrorifico,
Que horror como está animalito, tener mucho cuidado tiene la piel súper mal, el vinagre de manzana limpia desinfectando y suavizando la piel