What are some of the most venomous animals out there? Would you think that snakes make up mostly this list? Or maybe jellyfish? You may be surprised to find out what are the animals that are actually the most venomous in this video!
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In no particular order, here are a few of the most venomous animals in the world!
15 – Blue-Ringed Octopus
Don’t let the small size of a blue-ringed octopus fool you. This guy is among the most deadly creatures in the ocean! Found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans from Japan to Australia, there are four different blue ringed octopus species, and they’re all venomous.
Obviously they’re a terror to those animals lower on the food chain. Shrimp, small crabs, and an array of other sea creatures are pretty much ripe for the plucking when one of these Octopi gets hungry. But humans need to be careful.
Not that they’d eat us or anything. They’re only around 4 and a half inches on average. It’s the powerful tetrodotoxin that’s dangerous! One bite from one of a blue-ringed octopus would leave your face numb, and the numbness will be spreading throughout your body. Essentially, the venom blocks sodium ion channels and muscles don’t get signals to move. The worst part is, there’s no antidote. You’d have to wait it out! Ayyyyyyeeeeeee!
14 – Indian red scorpion
You can find an Indian Red Scorpion in, wait for it……India! Although I wouldn’t recommend going out to look for them. As one of the most venomous scorpions on planet earth, their stings have been known to cause vomiting, irregular heartbeat, and sweating. Okay, so far not too bad. But it also causes an array of really bizarre side effects, such as turning the skin a bluish purple color, causing swelling in the heart, and most curiously, causing ahem….blood flow in that special area that last for hours. Yes, you’ll definitely need to call a doctor for this one!
The silver lining here is that with treatment, the fatality rate is less than four percent, but without treatment, fatality rates can be as high as 40 percent. But one thing is certain, if you get stung and you’re a guy, just be prepared to wear sweatpants for maximum comfort!
13 – Marbled Cone Snail
A snail seems like one of the least dangerous things imaginable. Combine that misconception with their cool looking shells, and you have a potentially lethal combo. Living in the waters of Japan, India and Samoa, marbled cone snails shoot venom through its harpoon-like radula tooth from their body at their prey. Their prey include marine worms, small fish, and molluscs. But they’ll even eat other snails…they just don’t care.
The toxins in these various venoms are called conotoxins, which are various peptides that each target a specific nerve channel or receptor. These toxins are actually of pharmaceutical interest, because of the precision and speed in how these toxins act. For example, ziconotide, a pain reliever that’s 1000 times as powerful as morphine, was made from the venom of a cone snail. However, if someone is stung by one of these snails, they can have symptoms that include intense, localized pain, swelling, numbness, and tingling. Really severe cases involve muscle paralysis, changes in vision, and respiratory failure. Yeah, basically, don’t pick up any good looking snails!
12 – Poison Dart Frog
Yep, poison dart frogs look really cool. However, you’ll need to keep your distance. Found in Central and South America, these little amphibians are known for their skin pattern. They’re also known for being extremely venomous.
In particular, the Golden Poison Frog is very toxic. Poison from just one of these frogs can take out up to TEN people! They’re so venomous that hunters in South America have been making poison darts from their venom for a lonnnnnng time. While most venomous creatures have to bite or sting to be dangerous, these frogs have poison all over their body and just touching them is a big no-no. The poison is batrachotoxin and even just a bit of it can cause paralysis and breath (pronounced death). It’s sturdy too. An arrow can remain toxic for up to a year after being dipped in the venom!
Did he just say a poisen dart frog is venomous? Wtf
So you’re saying if I get stung by number 14 my penis will be erect for hours?
Shit…took much anxiety Id be telling my doc. To do the same xo
3:18 how come hes holding it and not get poisoned already tho? :^
I found 1 of the marbled cone snail before in the bahamas
Little sister:the stonefish is like the frogfish except venomous?
Black widow and are very painful but it is very rare to die from it
Fast ass intro
Didnt know poison frogs where venomous thought they was poisonous ??
13 is in Australia tooooooooooooooooooo
most deadly animal in Australia blue ring-ed octopus
my mom was VERY poor in mexico and my mom got bit by a scorpion so she had to drink iguana blood and coca cola .
I once got stung by the centipede and I can tell you it hurts like 5times more than a wasp no kidding I didnt get any side effect other than being ill for 1day
Lionfish: Has tiger like stripes
They all can kill you so if you think it will just make you have paid no you will did in pain!!
For number 2. He showed like 3 or 4 different kinds of both Centipedes and Millipedes! One was even just a simple House Centipede that isn't even toxic! Research and Verify Pablito…
The poison dart from are POISONOUS NOT VENOMOUS!?? These videos are supposed to be EDUCATIONAL BUT, THERES SO MUCH WRONG HERE.
Its not pronounced
And the Inland TAIPAN is pronounced TIE-PAN not TYPIN' LMFAO?? jesus christ.
3:53, can't touch dis'
U couldve just said Australia
2nd one Indian red scorpion ?
When he said Ahem you be bleeding ? in that spot
Doctor: ma’am your bleeding in that spot
Girl: no that’s just my period
Venom : Something from a contact(like snakes)
Poison : Something you ate(like Mushroom)
False nr 14 is called death Stalker
Such a cliche.
I hate the way this guy is talking with such a passion.
I own a Red-Headed Krait! He's a very passive snake but if touched on the head will bite instantly. Other than that he doesn't care at all. He stays his in cage though.
4:43 T H O T S
I think my ex is a black widow
You really have the inland taipan at 3? You obviously have no clue what your talking about and did no research on any of these animals
Special area
6:51 ksi: fish
Im not going to the beach today
1:10 made me cringe so hard. Like WHYYYYY?!?!?!
King cobra more like king bra
8:33 looks like a rotting half face
Thar CUTE to me ????
Can't believe people had to get so close to just take this pictures imagine if the animal is angry and just charges at you lol??ur fucked
Indian red scorpion aka deadly viagra
Even tho I’ve never been to Asia let alone India, I can almost guarantee you I’ve been bit by Indian Red Scorpion. Alright, maybe not that kind of scorpion but I couldn’t move, use the bathroom or do anything for a whole week. A 3 min walk took me 2 hours no cap. I was taking a mm steps And I don’t know why I went to school before full recovery anyway ?♂️?♂️ man I’ve never felt more pain
Poison dart frogs are poisonous not venomous
"Even touching this frog is a big no no" literally 15 seconds later dudes holding the frog.
Can we put all these venomous critters down Trumpfuck’s pants and let them bite to their heart’s content!!!???
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