Rescue Epilepsy Cat Was Tied By A Zinc Wire Make Terrible Cut On Her Neck
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A poor cat has epilepsy.
She was tied on her neck by the wicked owner, this wire strangled her neck into a terrible cut.
The wound is suffering from serious infections.
She tried to crawl out for help.
So pitiful!
We brought her to the clinic …
The doctor cleaned the wound, wrapped in a wound and treated it.
After a week at the clinic, I took her home to take care of.
On the first day, she couldn’t eat and we fed her with a cylinder.
She started to snack today.
She got better and we will continue to treat her epilepsy …
She is recovering very well …
She was very strong, brave.
Thank God for her bless.
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#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
It breaks my heart knowing that all this cruel things that happens in other countries everyday! This helps a lot knowing at least in that area there’s people who actually care for these animals???? I’m in America and I feel bad for the strays here so I try to feed and keep food in my car but omg what these animals in other countries go through is sooooo sad sooo cruel!!!! I hope one day they can banned people eating dogs and cat and hopefully more will have an open heart for these helpless but loving creatures ??????
Thank you so much for saving her
Seizures with rigidity is a brain problem. Poor baby. So sweet and loving. Thank you for taking care of her.
How can anybody do this to a pet. I'd like to see how the person that did this would like it done to them.
O kedinin bacaklarını kollarını masaj yapmaları lazım HERGUN damarlarının yumuşaması lazım yani fizik tedavisi yapılırsa kedi Allahın izniyle ayağa kalkar
Thanks for saving his life… god bless you
God bless???? Thanks Guys for saving cute kitten and Guys your work is really important and beautiful????????????
????? Thank you ??.
Fo god sake just put her down. thats not a cat life.
Thats the devil in the people….thanks for help ?…all the best for you Lovely ??
Could you get her a cart to help her walk well done x
Supurb job
Why this human notthing to do so cturlty with the animal ?????
Awww this poor cat on here too,Ty for rescuing her and helping the cat on here too
Как можно смотреть на это без слез???
もっと元気になれます様に願っております❇助けてくれてありがとうThank You?優しくしてくれて本当にありがとうございます(*´ω`*)?
That’s not epilepsy. It’s called Cerebellar Hypoplasia. These cats are otherwise healthy but would need special care to function properly.
Where are you located? Doesn’t look like a professional Vet or care was available initially!
Thank God you saved her.will she ever have a normal life will she walk.
Thank u for your love and help.
Much love to this Sweet cat!
Lots of sick human bastards out there..THANK YOU FOR helping this cutie!♥️♥️..please,update us on her,OKAY?
Love u
The rescuers in this case are very ignorant 🙁 : they are not providing her soft fluffy planet to anchor her poor ever straining neck specially when she is forced to lay on her side and can't get up .
And they also need to get on getting her a special pet support wheel chair A.S.A.P or she is doomed !!!! 🙁
Thank you very, very much!
Epilepsy involves seizures which she doesn't seem to have. She looks like she has a neurological issue. Hope she's happy & healthier now.
You should have tied that bastard with barb wire on his neck hands and feet!
Poor baby,.
That kind of Cruelty is Way Beyond my comprehension! God bless her Rescuers
What is wrong with her front legs? Epilepsy would not cause that, only during a seizure. I have epilepsy so I know the effects of it. God bless you for rescuing and helping her, I hope she finds a loving home. I think her previous owner did something to her that caused her legs to be like that, the previous owner was very abusive.
Give lots of love to this sweetheart.
I hope she heals peacefully! ?❤️
Oh WOW…poor Kitty.Was the idiot charged?Let's wrapped a wire around his neck & c how he likes it.Cabron! Kitty may u heal soon & that family is taking care of u.xoxo…???
God always with you sweetie
Ohh no, poor baby. Will she be able to walk again? You guys are angels ?
I hope they punish the person that did this to that sweet baby
Poor baby… thank you so much for your kindness and good heart. May God bless you with a wonderful life
We do not realize the horrific damage two legged do the animals. I am glad you place this here for us to be reminded what is happening in our own back yards. As difficult as this is to look at I include in my image for. Thank you, others will be aware it can happen in our own neighborhoods.
God bless you ?
This cat has something else wrong with it, epilepsy will cause the muscles to go stiff for a short period of time, but not a permanent stiffness. His front legs are permanently stiff. He has brain damage. But good on you for taking care of him.
Gracias a esas personas del mundo que ayudan a los animales mas necesitados la verdad que es hermoso ver estos videos que ayudan!! Gracias de corazon!!
Miau Miau!