Rescue Poor Kitten was Abuse dyed purple served as a chew toy, covered twenty wounds
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A two-pound kitten named “Smurf” was brought to the Nine Lives Foundation, a no-kill animal shelter in Redwood City. It’s black fur was dyed purple, and he was covered with at least twenty “gnawing wounds,” according to Dr. Monica Rudiger, founder and chief veterinarian at the foundation.
Rudiger determined that the cat had most likely served as a chew toy for a dog. After finding older, healed scars during surgery, Rudiger diagnosed the kitten as a chronic victim of abuse.
Courtesy: Alina Popa
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Pretty kitty after all his hair came in normal
Nice to see Smurf has a friend As for the person who did this God knows what you did to one of His creatures
It’s amazing how long he stayed purple. They really dyed him horribly. Pure Evil…
How could anyone possibly harm a tiny innocent trusting kitten. It’s just completely incomprehensible.
All they ask for is to be loved.
I’d throw the fuckers who did this in a 8 foot by 8 foot cage and drop the key in the ocean.?
I truly cannot understand how anyone could ever do this. Pure evil.
Please show me the mutt that used this baby kitty for a chew toy. Me and my buddies would love to “play” with him.??
Pls keep these kittens! They look so at home with you, and pls don't separate them! They love and need each other!
I just don't understand how people can be this mean.
Such a beautiful kitty. Hard for me to understand how anyone could be so cruel to such a sweet baby.
Too bad Smurf and Wanda were adopted together. Beautiful video of her healing and recovery and adoption.
Some humans are just pieces of garbage ??
Thanks to those loving people who have a big heart rescue some cat victim and care for them.May the Lord bless you and keep you..may God shine his face upon you and give you peace.Scripture : Numbers 6:24-26
I wil never look at purple the same way, it looks like a wound on that poor baby.
Smurfs dignity was damaged but spirit remains unbroken.
What a heartbreaking.Her eyes full of questions if she/he is safe.Her eyes full of agony from bad experienced Whoever does this poor kitten they may not have a bad luck .Good luck for those bad people have have done this poor kitten.
It’s wonderful to see Smurf blossom into a beautiful cat and enjoy doing all the great things that cats do. But finding a best friend to share it with makes this rescue that much more special ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Where is this poor baby ?
Poor poor baby I'll take her
Poor baby kitty. It makes me sick that a human could do this. Thank God for your organization taking care of one of God's creatures. Bless you all.
I hope whoever did this gets caught and has terribly BAD KHARMA for the rest of their life and when they die I pray that they burn in hell
How can any one be so cruel
On change.org there are petitions to stop & prosecute abusers from all countries. Please sign.
God delivered this baby…God Bless all who love and take care of our precious animals who are hurt and need help.
Whoever did this,they should get punished.
I love Smurf❤️
Glad to see smurf is getting better and watching him play with his little friend is a delight to see ❤️❤️❤️
This poor baby ? is the one that's all messed up and need the most love and care ??? but hes the one givin out all the love? ….?? ?that is so sweet of him that means he is in good spirits ???..??
I'm so grateful to God He designed these little ones to live in the moment and not dwell on past trauma like humans do. They just focus on whatever is in front of them and get on with life.
I'm in rescue myself and I thank you for saving her!
they should be adopted together ?❤
thank u for saving this precious baby's life.. ??❤?
Fk humans seriously …cruelest species !
That human should be used as bait gor wild animals sick
My cat Romeo is doing message like this for me. I love cats
What a wonderful happy pair of cats, absolutely beautiful.
Did Smurf and Wanda get adopted together? They look like such snuggle buddies.??❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I know what I would do to the people who did this give them a taste of their own medicine I can't say what I really think of them but I would love to meet them.that poor baby .these people make me so mad
gracias gente po haberlos salvado gracias
It' s very nice!
Humans SUCK at humanity!
How can anyone be so cruel? This world is full of monsters.
This is an old story, from 2016 Smurf and Wanda have their own Facebook page.
The people who did this horrible thing should be treated the same way.
They'll get their Karma. One way or another. Poor little innocent baby.
Please give Smurf a new name to go with his happy new life. I hope Wanda got adopted too. They were so bonded. May the monsters who would do this to innocent animals get whats coming to them in this world and the next!!!!!!
Castrar por favor no seas insensible, adopta estamos esperando q nos den amor ? te esperamos no lo olvides
Que carita tan linda y esos ojos que te mirar con dulzura como diciendo ayudame quiereme estoy indefenzos y quiero tu cariño, piedad
The low life should be taken out in the woods ,and put a 45 in the f. King mouth,
They are the cutest? payback to who hurt creatures of Earth.