Please watch: “Morbius the Living Vampire, 5 real vampires from history.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-tLeFkDL_I –~–
UFOs and Volcanoes. Why are UFOs seen at natural disasters?
Recently we have seen an increase in volcanic activity around the world.
A volcano near the Philippine capital Manilla has spewed ash up to nine miles (15km) into the sky, this prompting the evacuation of thousands of people, the cancellation of flights and warnings of a possible explosive eruption and volcanic tsunami.
Taal volcano, is one of the country’s most active, it sits in the middle of a lake about 45 miles south of Manila. As tremors shook the area, volcanic lightning flickered in the column of steam and ash making for a spectacular display of nature’s power.
The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) raised its alert level to 4 out of 5 – meaning “hazardous explosive eruption is possible within hours to days”.
The Taal volcano is part of the notorious chain of volcanoes known as the ring of fire, The Ring of Fire (also known as the Rim of Fire or the Circum-Pacific belt) is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.
Also this area has seen a lot of UFO, activity and it would seem that UFOs do take a particular interest in these natural events, why could this be what could they be looking for or monitoring?
Let’s take a look.
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Fallen Angels used to be called "Gods" by the ancient religions(Pagan religions). The fallen ones dwells in the earth and that is what people see when they observe UFO´s.
Without an scientific understanding of earth's geology we may never understand the presence of UFO'S during these events I have an film on my channel that looks at alternative geologic theory it's called " Declassified CIA documents the Adam and Eve story" it explains the history of cataclysmic geology and the many earth disasters that saw huge animal extinctions and complete continental destruction. .this is the power of volcanics whose destructive force is more than capable of destroying our planet virtually wiping out all life…we can't say for sure the purpose of UFO'S in any case or event but our understanding of science and history can always improve perhaps that's the reason an advanced alien race has intrests in this subject as it's aware the potential destructive power of world-wide geological events that have the capability to destroy our planet…
I cannot think of a comment..
I only can say that the Aliens are intelligent and powerful beings and they are capable of anything..
Thank you for another interesting content..?????
with increase in the volcanic activity comes increase in people trying to get footage of it. i mean you have beautiful Arial footage in your video. how do you think they got it?
I was going to say that the beings inside the UFOs are probably doing research on the volcanoes and then you said it at the end! ?. Thanks IF for yet another well done video. ?☺️❤️
Good video ?but no matter how important it is to the fact that ufos are real and influence our planet and daily lives it doesn’t make make a difference by the time any one in a position of power to make the general public totally “in your face “aware it will be too late and we’ll be in chains as slaves .
First time of hearing of this , GOOD VIDEO 🙂
Hello I'm not into aliens from other planets. I think there is ufos on earth underground piloted by ppl. I saw on Mexico live cams 2 year ago, somthing so fast going under a volcano I slowed it down x 10 and it was still hard to see. I did record it il link it you.
I would think they're more likely drones, but totally cool topic for a vid
Interesting broadcast.
Could it be possible that there are beings occupying the earth as concerned about major vulcanism as us.
Not a hollow earth, but an earth with an extensive subterranean civilsation.
I have mentioned reptilians before on this channel.
Want to know more ?
Nassim Haramein has some interesting talks about ufo ? activity around volcanoes and the sun ☀️
Good morning
Good afternoon if . These UFOs might be evacuating their own from in the Earth . like when a mine collapses deep down in side throwing material out. Or these eruptions could be acting as a Portal . But Solar minimum is also allowing the Radiation or microwave to get through heating up the Earths inner core and expanding The magma with in much like a Balloon expands and stretching it circumference the Earth’s crust is being put though the same stresses and they as to these entities in their ships are monitoring and releasing where the stresses are build up . I am dyslexi so sorry if some words are wrong but thanks anyway love the channel????
There probably just as nosey as us look watch the humans run for there lives funny little things lol
I have come across the theory, that volcanoes are portals, and UFOs use them.
They might use them to get to inner Earth.
Great episode, Thank You ♥️♥️♥️ Finnish land is super old.. we don't have mountains or hardly any earth quakes.. and I'm good with that..
Fantastic video x cheers Dave x I've seen many sightings on live webcams while watching volcanic activity.
Ahh it’s not letting me join live chat. I’ve tried 5 times. Spewing. YT just freezes as soon as I enter live chat.
Good morning