![CRAZY, STUPID & ANGRY PEOPLE vs BIKERS 2020 | BEST OF THIS WEEK [Ep. #423]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/CRAZY-STUPID-amp-ANGRY-PEOPLE-vs-BIKERS-2020-BEST-818x490.jpg)
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FIRST -gromin around- Close call causes mirror adjust and road rage with veteran – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhbotNEJYns
6:46 -Rabbi Saga- Near death Experience! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRz6ZrXi_EA
7:09 -FOB- Stock Lexus Racer flew right past me so I closed his mirror for better aerodynamic. – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiXV5LX30c0
7:34 -Bug Zapper- Driving on the phone- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4R9lVbS3Tk
9:02 -Dave Hedgehog- Roundabout Pullout – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg3gyEK2oJI
9:21 -4TeeATE E- Did He Deserve This ? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QLMdIIQA28
9:39 -Fullmetalftw4- Why do these things happen to me? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWFD-S5bva4
10:03 -IngoMoto- Close Call With Van – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILaq9KuGnKM
10:16 -LaGrom- Close call – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM439INIi4w
10:26 -犬的騎士日常 Ride of my life- Crazy Driver – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iME6thQYZiw
Portugal ale ale ale
Awesome!!! +1 sub ✔️
I understand the frustration in the first clip I’m 15 and a month ago I was hit by a car on my dirt bike bc they decided to run a red light so I see why he was angry he was just scared for his life and the guy acted like he gave no shits
I don't have the time to let incidents like this get me upset. As long as you don't hit me or cause me to crash, I'm gone.
I would kick the shit out of both of the first two clowns on the bike. And yes… your life was a mistake.
One day they will in someone who take them out
The first 2 bikers and the mirror give us all bad names. You know how many times ive nearly been hit by a careless driver? If you chase them all down and confront like this youre either going to have a heart attack or get shot. Move along!
The first clip the bikers are dumb af.
Old dude is right. Bikers are women needs apologies lol. My bike is worth more lol sesitive bunch.
haha I would've snapped both the bikers mirrors off.
Bikers to mental house!!
The first clip is similar to a moment I had behind the wheel.
I ran through a stop sign, obvious mistake! Waved sorry to the biker (who didn't have a stop sign) that happen to come down the road. He gets all pissed (which he does have the right to be) and follows me to just then break my right side mirror. My drivings licence is 3 weeks old as of 30th of December, I dont know how to react when making an obvious mistake! Either do I know how to react when being almost caught in an accident 3 weeks into my licence. There was no collision or no-one getting hurt, just a wave for the biker and gesture saying sorry.
“What’s the helmet got to do with it” bro if you’re gonna start a fight, take the helmet off and fight mano a mano. Don’t hide like a pussy behind your armor
First clip should be “stupid bikers vs people”
"He apologized to ME for being on HIS phone….So that was a good thing and made me feel powerful so I gave him a thumbs up". Yall ain't cops- cops are the people you run from all the time.
I like how you bikers think it's cool to cause physical damage to somebody's car by slapping the mirror. You gonna do that to the wrong person one day.
I love how they upload this as if it was something to brag about…"I could afford 3 of those cars". How could you think the bikers are in the right?
This video IS full of idiots but bikers… And This owner od chanel? Looks like gay… Every biker thinks He IS cop or something? What IS wrong with you idiots, wake up and start using bus if you have problém..
i'm sorry but when the guy on the blue bike the why he was talking to the older man i don't think that is respectful because that older man is a desert storm vetran he fought with my dad
Just punch
What's everyone saying here, the guy in the raiders in the first clip were 100% in the right.
Holy crap ? what the hell
I've ridden for years…people make mistakes…no one was hurt…not necessary to get upset
Funny how daddy needs to speak for his son
these idiot bikers should be careful with bashing peoples mirrors. Someone will eventually snap and run them off the road.
Alright fpsrussia
More dangerous…talking on a phone while driving or trying to shoot a cool movie starring a crybaby while driving?
you guys driving in between cars driving down the side of the road and then you're confronting people for driving in their Lane you guys are a bunch of idiots and I'm talking about the guys on the motorcycles . News flash . IT'S NOT ONLY YOUR ROAD . If you're looking for a respect you got to show respect . BITCHES
The bikers engaging the old Vet were dead wrong… they were looking for a confrontation and they got it. It doesn’t serve anyone any good. I am a biker and these guys are a total embarrassment to anyone that rides on two wheels. Hot head and idiots…..
When people are on their phone. I dont waste my time yelling because they will carry on however if they risk my lived it bye bye mirror
nice video
Every person in the first clip are trash. I hate people.
Mach das in Deutschland und jeder Biker verliert seinen Führerschein…
Hier darf man sich nur abschlachten lassen…
I rides but I dont want a apology or a blow job from my culprits.
That first biker woulda got his helmet crushed in
It's probably been said but this should be called "CRAZY, STUPID & ANGRY BIKERS vs PEOPLE 2020"… And let the sad little snowflakes begin trolling… Mostly wasted oxygen though..
the veteran was fuckin badass lmao that's the homie
Muy buenos vídeos lunático
Also a few of these riders are speeding which is why like they feel like they were cut off(especially dude in the red that smacked the mirror) when they shouldn’t have been going so fast
Those first guys on the bikes were a couple babies
The 1st part of the video was just plain dumb on both parts the bikers just wanted there reaction for YouTube and the car should have never stopped.
had to skip the 1st clip to save some brain shells