swimming : people are awesome underwater born to swim — January 24, 2020 22 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist be your own hero http://guingamp-natation.com/ source 2013 amazing awesome best Cool crazy crossfit Great hd motivation natation nuoto sport swim Swimming technique ultimate underwater Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
how utterly pointless.
Crap i could do better
I can't watch it
…now, swim with it. medieval knights could do it.
Wtf ?
How long can you hold your breath ?
this dude can hold his breath for a long time
can't breath normaly while watching this
Thats cool
That looks fun 🙂
homany feet
just grakei
ok now swim to the surface with the weight!
errr its impossible to lie on the floor in swimming pool
The goal was not to raise a maximum weight, but do more repetition APNEA. for fun !!!!!!!
SirMetalDetect is completely right. Its called a buoyancy force moron.
The weights are easy because every thing underwater is lighter
que louco
Mein Lehrerin sein Sohn…….
Wie viele Söhne hat die ?!?! X______x
wow *-*