#Bhopal #unioncarbide #india #industrialaccident
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In this video we will look into the worlds worst industrial accident, the tragic MIC gas release at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India in 1984. The event has been compared to India’s own Chernobyl.
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Rode NT1a
Focusrite Scarlet
Mid 2012 MacBook Pro 13″
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Check out these other great channels:
1. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/14356007.a14_263
2. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0FqO8XKy9NRZDNzTkZQeVJQbE0/edit?pli=1
3. https://bhopalgasdisaster.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/csir-report-on-scientific-studies-december-1985.pdf
4. https://www.flickr.com/photos/bhopalmedicalappeal/14119786560/in/album-72157644842160819/
5. http://archive.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/11/25th_anniversary_of_the_bhopal.html
I remember when this channel was only at 10k subs
This is why safety mechanisms are MADE. This is purely your fault, India.
Out of court settlement that robbed the people of justice and let the culprits off free. Corporate murderers use impoverished countries for the dirty jobs where they can wash their hands of responsibilities
It was fucked up .
Ah the joys of Capitalism.
I would say this video is to flippant about the worst industrial accident I'm human history. 8k confirmed deaths. The manner of death is essentially downing over the course of a few days as your lungs filled with liquid. If you were lucky you passed out before you died. It is a disgusting event and a stain on humanity. USCSB video on the topic is great. Highly recommend it
The moment I heard phosgene… I just thought well they bouta go WW1 on this.
I like the longer run time but I love history on all levels
short documentary lol if this were on tv it would be an hour long with commercials
Get ready world, courtesy of the Putin enbled Republiklans the Trump Regime has now reduced EPA and environmental safeguards. Thanks Corp. America
2:20 11 million KILOtons??? That's 11 BILLION tons. That doesn't really seem possible to me.
rocky flats
Plainly Difficult: this disaster gives nuclear ones a run for its money
Fukashima: Hold my fish
Chernobyl: Hold my graphite
Corporate executives who kill hundreds of thousands to save a few dollars deserve the death penalty
The government of India has failed to do its job, the workers should have shut down operations themselves and threaten to unionize, even if they were gonna get fired
Fun fact: kutcha means raw. Houses are literally built with scrap building materials. Pucka means solid which means houses are made from concrete
So that's where the pies come from…. Pucca
Stuff like that will happen again and again as long as business culture stay as it is.
how much is a kilo tonne ? 1000 Kilo's or 1000 tonnes?
wow you got to this before "well theres your problem" podcast did
the 80's were the worst years in the last century. bhopal in 1984 then chernobyl in 1986
This incident needs to be on full blast for everyone in America until union carbide and it's investors et al are buried under a prison.
Cringe worthy.
1. Cutting back on staff is often the only way to cut costs…
(Unless you're doing things wrong, because if you can cut any significant costs elsewhere, then it typically means you've just been previously wasting those resources.
2. No company is going to believe that increasing supply will magically increase demand…. there had to be a reason, like if there was a supply shortage the year before relative to demand.. (ie if they ran out of product to sell last year) …which would mean the increases supply was done just to meet the expected demand.
Was is said by the company that they wanted to produce more than the demand? Like we're they intending to stock up a supply for the next year maybe?