Anti-vaxxers exposed: Hidden camera investigation (Marketplace)

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Marketplace goes undercover and dives into one of the world’s most harmful misinformation campaigns: the anti-vaccination movement. We expose how and why the most prolific false claims spread online and how you could be affected without even knowing it.

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  1. Watch the middle ground on anti vaxx. They discuss the only valid reasons for not vaccinating such as having auto immune issues prior to vaccinating. I am for vaccinations, I just noticed the stats for a reaction were not quite correct

  2. All I know is a women named Debbie she's been disabled by a vaccine for polio. She is 45 and received the vaccine when she was 11 and right after the needle was injected in the office she collapsed and was partly paralyzed. I'll take my chances with God than medication made in a capitalist world.

  3. If Vaccines are so safe like they say here and so beneficial, lets take away the protection from lawsuit that doctors and pharma have with Vaccines. If they really want to make this fair, then make it where they are liable. I am leaving a lot out of this comment as one subject is enough in one comment

  4. These parents never wondered why so many children got sick and died a long time ago and why they don't now??? Some people just don't operate with logic.

  5. Frankly they should sue those 3, including Kennedy.
    He of all people should know better.
    Religious and personal exceptions laws in California that were written to allow them to exempt their kids from the mandatory vaccination program led to outbreaks in California and a number of deaths among kids.

  6. If I had any doubt about the integrity of the CBC – this so called expose has sealed the deal. Please show me the studies that show vaccines do not cause injury and you won't because there are none. This is disgraceful and anyone involved in this report should be ashamed of yourselves!

  7. All the side effects that they said are unproven are listed in the insert from the vaccine. It's written by the vaccine manufacturer!!

  8. The Highwire dissected this piece. Watch yesterday's show to see how CBC photo shopped chicken pox onto the baby in their picture, along with other blatant lies. What an embarrassment to Asha Tomlinson to put her reputation on the line for this steaming pile of nonsense. Hilarious that her "expert" seemingly couldn't read a vaccine insert warning of all the side effects. Instead they chose bizzarely to mock vaccine damaged victims with a demonstration involving a tarantula? Can Canadians sue for false advertising and misuse of taxpayers money for this blatant pack of lies?

  9. If this information is misinformation, then why are pharmaceutical companies no longer liable for damages caused by vaccines? Yet they can be sued for other medication reactions and damages like those caused by Viox or Reperdal? Why? I would also like to know if those mothers were up to date on thier vaccinations? Especially considering 54% of adults aren't.

  10. Must be that 5 or 6 billion profit each year by several vaccines manufactures is not a lot of money. I just want to know what "IS" a lot of money.

  11. Hey CBC, I had a dream last night of an angry mob storming your headquarters to lynch and crucify you all for your lies and crimes against Canadians! I never had such a refreshing nights sleep in my life!

  12. Can you imagine the utter underhanded editing and purposeful omission of revealing statements from those they interview that would ransack their little hitpiece. You never seen the footage before they edited it into this little smear campaign. Camera tricks.

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