You alright, little fella?” A badly burned koala was discovered sitting in the ashes after one of many fires ripped through Australia.
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Approximately 200 arsonist caught lighting fires. Suggest they be paraded in public to receive the acknowledgment they deserve. With name tags. Yes children too (without name tages)
My Favourite Animal Is Koala. You know the pain when your favourite thing gets damaged.
How can I help them? Any donations available?
Thank u lady (from Türkiye)
Bendiciones ?????? perdón hermanos reino animal por no velar por su seguridad crearemos amor eterno ? y paz mundial por ustedes y nuestra madre Naturaleza de cada corazón de amor universal ???♥️??????????
koala : "save me but they wrap me with a Zionist flag pleeèease " lol
Saint Francis of Assisi
Well, number 1 Heroes everyone out there saving these babies. Number 2 Is there such a thing as a "Crazy Koala Bear Guy?" if so it would be me
Cant stop crying 🙁
If you afford it, here's a couple of appeals where you can donate a little to help these koalas – there are many more appeals running for bushfire areas around Australia https://rspcavic.org/giving/donate http://www.akawhospital.org.au/make-a-donation.html
thank you
They took this koala to a rehab center and didn't just leave it right???
The koalas home, the eucalyptus trees are strategically made to be naturally flammable so that fires can naturally occur and the vegetation surrounding will burn and than regrow stronger. It is why burning off is necessary as it is the natural process. Our native people.. the aboriginals have done so for thousands of years but we ignore the process and get what was probably deserved. It is a horrible disaster but one that will hopefully allow for different species to thrive and definitely create a greater appreciation among us aussies for our environment. I would just like to say that these things can be taught in just minutes and if you do some research and share the cold hard facts you could just help a movement to gain momentum changing the country for good. Good luck too all and spread the love ❤️❤️ cry but do something about it!
Boże straszne
il mondo intero dovrebbe vergognarsi davanti a queste immagini e gli autori di tutto questo sono davanti ai nostri occhi maleddo petrolio fosse x me farei pagare molto molto caro tutto questo e i potenti del cazzo che stanno li a guardare ????????
PLEAS, rescues animals. Thank,s for good people Austrália from Czechoslovakia ❤️??
The ones my heart breaks for, are the ones who survived and have been burned but not found. They are so slow as an animal and can't outrun the fires and sadly they go to the one place they feel safe, which is the trees and in these fires that is the worst place, as the fire moves through the canopies. They have such sensitive noses and paws, so I just hope many more are found and put down that need to be. You will never see koalas just approaching people as many of these images show, that's how hopeless and traumatised they have been…to all the people that have stopped and helped them, God Bless you all.
Australian needs lookout towers that see above tree tops to catch fire's before they get to big. They work.
Whoever disliked this can die in a hole
Me muero de tristeza????????
Es ist soooooooo schlimm ????