We located a cemetery with claims of being haunted and decided to use a Ouija board on a criminal’s grave. He answered…….
Hunting Purgatory S 2 Ep 3: Ouija Board on Real Killer’s Grave
This location was discovered by a haunted hotel that we investigated earlier on this season. Boot hill cemetery is known for having many deaths by unnatural causes during the time the town was established. We used the spirit box, emf detector and even the ouija board to try and communicate.
Whether or not you believe in ghosts, paranormal activity or demons the things we caught on camera during this ghost hunt are completely unexplainable. Unexplained paranormal activity gone wrong. This felt like living through a horror movie but we caught it all on tape. It was very scary! We will never forget this night and neither will you.
If you enjoyed this video watch our full Season 1 Playlist Below
Join us as we stake out and try to communicate with the afterlife.
If you are thinking of making youtube videos or just recording videos similar to the ones that I am making you will find a list of all the equipment I am using down below:
Camera : https://amzn.to/2L8w4Bg (MAJOR DISCOUNT!)
Lens : http://geni.us/K4cAZ (amazon)
Studio Lighting Kit : http://geni.us/NP66ynx (amazon)
iRig Mic to DSLR adapter: http://geni.us/BqxL (amazon)
Microphone : http://geni.us/jGAFNw (amazon)
Led Lighting : http://geni.us/evVb (amazon)
Thank you guys for watching and being part of my dream! The channel is alive and better than ever! I hope this video helped in deciding if this is the one for you!
All background music was used from artlist audio library and is licensed and royalty free.
Also I have recently become a participant in the Amazon Associates Programs, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to amazon.com in order to help the channel Grow! Let’s make 2020 rock!
Email me: Mindseedtv@gmail.com
#paranormal #caughtontape #veryscary #scary
3:39 Isn't there something behing one of theese graves? Just watching them…
I thought one of the 3 big rules of the Ouija board was "do not play in a graveyard"?
4:30 world's best fence hop lol
If you wear headphones and go to 11:01 when he says “I got an idea” you can hear a girl saying “Like what”
?hello from Connecticut my friends love your video's ❤️??
The spirit box and the ouija board of when you were communicating to John and it was linked to a murder that happened .
I love your videos man ??.
Spirits will not follow you nor communicate with ouija boards , only demons do that . You may have talk to john through the spirit box but when you said " Ouija board" a demon responded .
The reason john had stopped is because you mentioned a Ouija board . Spirits won't respond to you about that . Never put a ouija board on top of someones grave , 'cause by do so you would release a demon .
But I love your vids and this video made me feel happy , 'cause you actually caught a ghost wandering out of its grave . That was AWESOME !
Keep doing the go to work!
This one deserves more likes and viewers to know that people can communicate even if it is passed away
Ughh I’m really conflicted now that you guys have spelt out McKee on the oijia board seeing as that’s the first thing that will pop up on Google & nearly all fake channels use this simple “interactive” method to fool their audience. Damn man I really hope you guys aren’t selling out already. These are starting to feel really really scripted ?
11:54 "Im gonna get the Ouija board"
Spirit: "no dont get the Ouija board
Any one here watching at this time i am sooo scared
when the voice said..behind you! my first thought was..oh hell no lol
@Mind Seed TV I guess you missed this post of mine? GOLD!!! This next catch isn’t an e.v.p- it’s a DISEMBODIED VOICE from the same woman! It’s Crystal clear too! With tone & an English accent! Believe it?!?!? You don’t need to strain to hear this! What an awesome find!! Hear her say ‘Good’@15:12 like she’s standing there w/ our boyz!!
Been here since for awhile now, love the videos and all but I really think you need to figure out a better way of showing the recordings of the spirit box.. i find them very interesting and all but listening to it for 5+ minutes and having very few/little communications with the spirits other than your questions, gets very annoying. It makes me debate on turning the video off or ffwding. Nothing but love and a little constructive criticism. Keep up the hard work, your great at these videos.
I think that the ghost of the batteries that were in the spirit box before came back to haunt you lol
Mind Seed TV please read these comments.. The MCKE the ouji board spelt out was trying to tell you John Bass was shot 5 times by officers KELLEY AND MCKEE
You deserve so much more subscribers, your content is top-notch! I love this
Hope you have a spirit guide with you and please go and see a PRIEST,just to cleanse you?,that's what our mate ZAK does.☺.
That graveyard dirt you're playing on is valuable .-.
So in the video you had at the hotel, the history letter had a name Morgan Courtney. That could be the first two letters of MCKE.
john bass said he was bad with words, butt after reading that jon maher comment it looks like he left it on e for Mckee… freaky
Subscribed ??
The guy to the left looks like he’s moving it and doesn’t really answer yes when asked
i saw it too in 6:38 lol
my laptop fan was louder so i couldn't hear the female voice xD
That was scary knowing that somebody or something was right there on the other side of the fence?❤️
What was very scary about this??
I love Pioche , NV . I investigated there 7 years ago . We investigated the opera house with great evidence and had the keys to the 2 most haunted rooms at the saloon . Unfortunately there was drama within the group and we left early . I would love to go back and spend several days there . In the opera house on stage there was a small table with burn marks . The story we were told is a team was in there a few months before we got there and was using the ouija board and it caught fire as they were using it and ran out screaming and left some of there gear there . I was picking up on several spirits but nothing powerful enough to do that . So I put that as , I would have to have been there to believe it .