From a ghost seen on a live Twitch stream by Ninja to a gamer’s chair that moves all by itself, we look at the scariest things caught by Twitch streamers. #Twitch #ScaryVideos #SlappedHam
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5. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY CAUGHT ON LIVESTREAM!! (do not livestream at 3am) https://youtu.be/ecQ6GbhSE5E
4. MangaMean https://www.youtube.com/user/MangaMiyn/featured
2. Ghost/Haunting Caught Live on My Stream – (All events) https://youtu.be/tTOARS8FdWI
1. i caught a ghost in Ninjas livestream… https://youtu.be/T1F3BQFWXYA
Ghost Stories with Ninja https://youtu.be/X-_8FbP00rY
Lightless Dawn by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100655
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Thanks so much for watching. You're amazing!
Door: *exist*
Ghost: "It's free real estate."
Cuss at the ghost it's ur place say get the fuck out if that doesn't work get a priest or exorcist kill the ? if it's real that is
Want to smoke ?
That's why I don't want to put doors in our house. It's confirmed that ghosts are highly addicted to doors
I don’t believe in ghosts but poltergeist stuff, just scares me so bad and I’m afraid of doors or anything after watching thes3
I hate fortnite even more now
what the hell is twitch?
These dudes are obviously copying each other, c'mon chaps, coincidence?
One the second one it's funny when he looks behind him we can't see it either .but as soon as he turns around there it is. Hmmm
These events are quite bizarre, but, I'll say that I might know what a majority of them are because it's what happens in my house. My house is an old Victorian-era home, 3 stories with an attic, however, because of where the house is located, we're often hit with higher winds and atmospheric pressures that swoop down and interfere with our home. So… even with windows closed and zero breeze in a room, a door will still sway occasionally, and fully close itself when those pressures hit the house. This also includes chairs, too. They will scoot about on the hardwood floors, and I can only imagine if I had an unused office chair rolling around, it'd be rolling down the hallway like in a scary movie. I believe these could be similar instances if the doors, chairs, etc in this video are truly moving about without human interference, so it might shed a little light on what our crazy atmosphere can do!
i like Slapped Ham videos very much 🙂
Dudes like 35 n still playing Pokemon.. Ppl have no life smh how sad?
I don't get why you talk over their dialogue and the actual haunting incidents with that irritating music as well?
ghost: "aight imma head in"
Either he’s dumb af or this was planned out
Put on the full armour of god. For the devil goes around looking for who he can devour.
If ya'll would read your bible u would know ways going in the world
Someone could b pulling the chair with a string.and ther laying down pulling it..
That boy is so cute tho
Tell something about horrible experiments in world War time
Seen first one before. He actually gets up and it's his father playing a prank.
Yes, having Ninja in the thumbnail increases views drastically.
Ninja just want more atention…
Don’t sign a contract without reading it lol ya probs sold ya sold and them demons are waiting for you money root of all evil
Fortnite is a burglar's or serial killer's best friend…. ppl playing get so stuck they can't pay attention to what is happening around them. Just wanna point out every one of these could have been faked simply by having a second person present. Also really a katana?
Woah is that TYLER BLEVEN from NINJA!
What's up with ghost obsessed on opening doors
Uh uh ok
All of these easily could be faked by a person hidden by object.
Thanks for the vds
? u slapped ham.
No one:
The chair: ight imma head out
The ghost with jake was like: yo, not fortnite again! I’m moving to the hallway! ??
like 4 of these at least are people who dont know what air circulation are. Having the privilege of living in a tiny apartment, if you open a window then the doors go insane on "their own". That being said, this apartment is totally haunted for other reasons.
Jake dufner one is fake as it was pranks by his friends
I don’t know why this was recommended to me as I dont play video games. But I do love God and try my best to serve him. To me this is confirmation of demons. I don’t say that to scare people, I say it because it’s just a fact. We all need to know the truth. Any video game with spells, demon characters, death characters, sex, violence, curse words all stirs up demons. You are opening yourself up to the spiritual realm without any armor to fight. Demons will hurt you if they have the opportunity. The blood of Jesus is the only weapon against them. Maybe this will help someone.
oooohhhh look … a ghost … im gonna get closer to it ….
stupid is as stupid does.
I think I've seen too many Darkiplier vids…
There is no such thing as ghosts. The bible tells us they are demons which are bad Angels. They are dangerous to be around and are very old. They can watch and pretend to be a dead loved one who you think is haunting you. Angels are not dead people. They are a separate creation. Spirit persons more powerful than humans. In 1914 Jesus and his Angels kicked the bad ones out of heaven. Revelation 12:7-12. JW.org for more information.
1st video:
When you've been playing too much prop hunt that you became a prop tryin' to prank and at the same time not get caught.
I do believe in paranormal stuff, but the doors and chair thing are total jokes
The second one was scarier ??
Don't be scared
Ghost is just a ghost they can't kill you they were just scaring you. That happened to me, too When I was in the living room There is a chair next to me Then I put my foot in the chair it's about 3:00 pm
I was watching (my dad and mom is asleep then my sister and my brother is busy texting in their boyfriend/girlfriend, i'm the only one watching)but then the chair suddenly moved i was scared and nervous at that time but I ignored it but still i did saw it…I turned the tv off and run to my mom crying..
I just want to tell you my story when i was 10 years old
Laughing my head of when he said he got a katana
Ok the ninja one… I can understand the dark shadow… but the speaker..? I don’t think that was the ghost. Some people just stay up later, and because it was Bluetooth, someone probably mistook it for there own speaker or Bluetooth headset.
I just realized something. I have seen so many videos on youtube that youtube ran out of videos and keep recommending me old videos.
maybe a kid want to sees him stream fortnite