GA (#38) Watch our baby Cinnamon Capuchin monkey grow up! We upload videos several times a week so make sure to hit that subscribe button and the notification bell so you won’t miss out on any awesome videos from Monkey Gracie Anna!
You can also meet Gracie’s big sister, just go to Monkey Lillian Louise.
Our baby monkey drinking her bottle and playing with daddy is so cute!
You can send mail to Gracie at Lillian Louise’s PO Box
Monkey Lillian Louise and Monkey Gracie Anna
PO Box 534
Murchison, Texas
Gold monkey lamp:
Black Monkey Lamp:
Be sure to subscribe to Gracie’s channel to watch a baby monkey grow up. If you would like to see Gracie’s big sister be sure to visit “Monkey Lillian Louise” and watch a monkey be a monkey as she plays outside and climbs trees with no leash! Have an awesome day!
Our Trip to Pick up our New Baby Monkey Gracie:
Lillian Meets Her New Baby Sister:
Monkey Lillian Louise Sunday go to meeting outing:
Pets & Animals
The way she hops her back end up when she runs across the couch is adorable. She must have picked that up from Billy.
It is so fun watching Gracie bounce all over. She’s a going concern these days and growing like a weed! Soooo cute. ❤️❤️❤️❤️????????????
Gracie is really growing so much in just a months time. I bet Gracie is going to be bigger than sweet little Lillian. They are both just beautiful and smart. ??
She is so beautiful
Sending much love ❤️
? ???
We make that same sound when our cats do a no no LOL
Must be a universal sound for no no to animals LOL
My favorite baby monkey!
At 2:28 she's like "I didn't do anything. I was over here with daddy" LOL
hahaha,very funny Gracie.
Just love watching those sweet sweet babies! How cute and adorable!
Just a couple weeks ago she seemed to have trouble getting on top of the couch, but now she has no problem getting on top. She is getting stronger.
She's like a little squeaky toy XO
She's Adorable ! She has a lot of Energy. Getting to be a big girl Gracie Anna 🙂
From day one she has drunk her bottle as if she has been starved of milk. Its so cute. I love your girls they are both so beautiful. Can't wait for Graciebto grow up and play with Lillian in the play room. Thank you to you and Billy and the boys for all the entertainment you give us. Although we dont see much of Brandon these days. When are we going to visit your lovely Mom again or Uncle Bob. We don't see much of him lately.
Awww such an adorable baby❤️
Precious I love to see her drink her bottle
Gracie and Lillian are the way they are because of the marvelous way you guys are raising them. What a difference between you and the Asians!! No comparison.
I love to see Gracie run around and jump. She is so cute.♥️
That video made me smile! I can't get over how cute Gracie is. She just cracks me up. And you guys are so cute too!
She's just such a treat! She's such a talkative little thing. I would love to know what she's saying. They are happy chirps, that's all I know.
Do you still heat her bottle or do you give it to her cold ? She sure was drinking it fast so cute, and getting big I love her little hands and feet.
. That's not a monkey that's a baby Piggy! Lol
Gracie you look like your dancing… You got the moves… Go girl!!!
Aww shes growing so fast! Shes so stinkin cute! They grow as fast as kids!! Have a great week!!??????
I loved watching Gracie drinking milk from her bottle. And when she jumps and stand on her hind legs, she's too adorable.
Gracie is being so playful with daddy!! ????? Saint is looking over my shoulder watching Gracie. ????
Saint just mocked you laughing Ms. Judy! LOL
Lol so funny and cute, she is such a good girl how she listens to you just like Lillian. She is growing so fast wow what a gorgeous lil girl she is ?
Yeah momma where's my cereal? I'm a big girl now! Momma speakin ?? She and Lillian are soo adorable.
Gracie said stop tickling her. Gracie you're so sweet and adorable I want to see you in some ? you're always jumping around with nothing on… You're a little doll. Thanks for taking good care of Gracie and Lillian, there's so many animals that are subjected to cruel treatment. Love and Peace.
Lil Gracie. Is so adorable ❤ her face makes u want a baby like that in California u can't have one ? I would Love to have a baby monkey.to rise .the fun of it that's why I look at your girls love them.? daily.Thank you for sharing.???????????????
That is so precious. You can hear her sucking her bottle. So cute lol . Oh no she choked careful Gracie. Love those sock you have on. Lol
You sure love your daddy Gracie! If you are ever in Big Stone Gap VA come by and say hi.
I love it when the girls give Kisses its so adorable and cute I love Lillian so very much too.
I love her so very much she does the cutest and funniest things, she is so adorable and cute and I love watching everything she does, I love watching her drink her bottle its so adorable.
She is Billy s monkey , Gracie just keeps getting cuter and cuter
Gracie!! Curious little sweet girl!!