Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris on is there an afterlife full debate

Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris on is there an afterlife full debate
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Christopher Hitchens discussed the afterlife with Sam Harris, David
Wolpe and Bradley Artson Shavit on February 15th, 2011.
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  1. There is an after life. I believe this now, based on an experience I had in my room one night, on the day of my grandfathers funeral.

  2. Everybody loves Hitch because he's such a good man. At the heart of this well-read, highly educated, very cultured, fascily articulate and energetically witty man is someone who is thoroughly independent yet deeply caring, kind, and compassionate. He's a much better "jesus" than the historical one not only with respect to his communication skills but also as a strong shining light for everyone. So thankful for these videos! ??

  3. ??
    Some funny time stamps
    46:40 Hitchens with his irony
    58:00 this rabbi said "you ought not to do" lol it's quite a silly statement, very easily rebuked
    1:07:30 watch the slipping and sliding he does
    1:27:30 I love the coming conversation
    P.s it's kinda unfortunate to see these 2 Jewish scholars completely unable to counter Hitchens and Sam.

  4. (guest)
    The guy on the far right :
    " …. it's not to be taken literally…"
    Hitch : " that's not what it says …"
    That was exactly my reaction.
    It specifically says it IS the "word of God" ….
    (written by deluded, maybe drug – using men ?)
    I don't know how the god-believers can sit there and try to
    defend their superstition- based, brainwashed beliefs….
    Peace to all folk of goodwill anyway…

  5. As an atheist I was very disappointed.
    While this was fun and silly it really didn't follow the title.
    I think this could have actually been productive had hitchens stuck to the debate topic.
    There religious showed up to have a productive conversation and somewhat Harris.
    But as always, hitchens dominated, and the debate went very off topic for the majority of the time.
    Very sad.

  6. I initially thought, "Hey . . . great a discussion between two of my favorite thinkers" . . . then I saw there was a Rabbi and someone else, probably another ideology peddler, involved. So . . . onward. This one is a miss.

  7. I love and respect everyone of them. They are all intelligent, honest, humble, and funny ?. I've watched this over and over. But, holy caca, Hitch is just an effing boss!

  8. All belief is BS. You either know or you don't know. Consciousness is the background field of the universe. Just simple awareness. Individuality is ultimately an illusion. A temporary experience whose "color" is dependent upon the "window" through which this awareness is "looking" out (in?) through. The key to understanding this is to figure out who you really are. You are not your memories or your dreams. There is only Now. All we consider to be "us" is a construct. We think we are the whirl-pools when in fact, we are the water.

  9. Sam is being very dishonest here. Even children know that the idea of a soul has absolutely nothing to do with cerebral information processing done by the brain. Saying that religious people believe after you die that you just float over your body “speaking perfect English” is laughably absurd and humiliating for Sam. There may not be a single person in the world who believes in that form of an afterlife. To imply that we already have enough reason to believe there is no afterlife or that we can say we know what happens after death with any degree of certainty is foolish. This would be like an 8th century man concluding that science has already proven the earth is flat since you can look out your front window and see a flat horizon. It’s a ridiculously misinformed/dishonest caricature of a legitimate theory.

  10. maybe the truthcontest book will unite us all. i suggest you check it out. i'm not promoting it but suppose that message might actually work for all the people in the world.

  11. I HAVE had a near death experience (I drowned) which corresponds to every report around the world, including the sense that I had left my body and was in the presence of conscious, loving beings. It DID competently change my life and I no longer have a fear of death. BUT the ONLY thing I can say for certain is: I had an experience. Whether it was "real" and whether it had any true significance would be pure speculation on my part and it has had no effect on my understanding that there is NO possible "proof" of god, nor will there ever be. Rational agnosticism is the only completely honest standpoint for any conscientious person.

  12. "I always assumed that human beings were more than just stuff" sounds similar to "earth is the center of the universe " in its narcissism.

  13. Respect to all the guys on stage. Can listen to Hitch n Harris all day. But while I'm not religious myself, the 2 guys on stage gave me a new perspective in the way religion can be interpretated. Ideas on religion I didn't have before. All 4 made valid points throughout the debate and as always, Hitch stole the show with his dry humour. I think religion can still have a place in society, by bringing people of similar beliefs together. There are huge positive aspects to faith and religion, but it seems it just cannot shake its torid history's and its detrimental effect on the human civilisation. How could religion ever escape its dark past, when all the religious highararchy & figureheads of today still preach the same doctrines&dogma, from the same textbook it had back then. None of the holy texts that exist today could ever be the written by or the spoken word of God, that's blatantly obvious. The Bible, Quran and the Torah are clearly the works of Men.

  14. there is no credible argument for an afterlife, for a god, a heaven, a hell…….what we do know for sure, is the miracle of life….we get only one & only we can live it.

  15. i don't know, but i trust. I dedicate my life, my teachings, my actions & my relationships in a fashion, because i trust in the fantastical, the ridiculous, the supernatural story that tells of a wondrous paradise we all go to when we die, surely it must be true…it has to be because i am too special to end as nothing, like how i was for the 14bn years before i was born. my god is the 1 true god, yours is just a figment…..i'm going to heaven, but you're not because you don't believe in the real god…i know the god i believe in is the real one because it is the same one as my parents believe in, it is the same one that is popularly believed in in my geographical area & in my era.

  16. Again, the Roman Catholic Church is considered “The Church.” That’s it. That speaks for God and faith etc., on this earth. The source of understanding faith, the scriptures, are ignored.

  17. first question: "david, do you expect to go to heaven"….simplest question, completely avoided. You should be wary of people who won't answer simple questions.

  18. I was always taught that in debate, if you have to resort to saying things like “I wish we wouldn’t point score” means that you have no points to score!

  19. There is no afterlife there is only one life lived out in many different bodies. There is no heaven there is no hell there is no devil there is no god there is only creator and creation

  20. I must say as an atheist I like Wolpe a lot. More than any other theologian I know. He is authentic and kind and I would go grab a beer with him any time.

  21. What I don't understand is your "soul" was in heaven for eons then sent to earth in a human life form to see if you're worthy to go back to heaven to live for eternity. Why not just skip the middle part.

  22. The religion they’re defending is so watered down it resembles nothing what I believed and taught. It’s not just these apologists, it’s the same with Mormons, Muslims, Catholics, etc.

  23. As an agnostic, or an "I don't know-ist", what bothers me about atheism is what bothers me about devout religion: why do we feel the need to attack our conversation partners as if they're acting in bad faith. I like Hitchens, but he seems to take things deeply personally when he needn't do so. I mean, if religion (and by extension, a belief in god/an afterlife) is a response to an impossibly chaotic and horrifying randomness of the universe, isn't atheism the same thing? We're faced with the absurdity of consciousness, of existence, and yet atheists are just so convinced that it all means nothing. Perhaps, but wouldn't the chaotic nature of the universe suggest that the most honest response is to say "I don't know."

  24. 8 million people had near death experiences?… big fuckin deal… I bet even more say that "god talks to them"… if given the opportunity to cheat… people will cheat. ( " Oh shit I almost died, Time to get people to believe in JESUS! with a ridiculous NDE story!" )

  25. People who use science as a counter argument to the evils of religion are the least intelligent people on the planet.
    Science ISNT AN IDEOLOGY its a methodology and only a tool of discovery or the more common term scientific method …… How is that even slightly the same as written in stone ideologies that DEMAND the people murder and rape and kill and conquer others? I almost weep when people compare these two in some inane attempt to assuage the evils of religion.
    Sorry but religion has done more damage to mankind than all disease and illness combined and doubled.

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