Watching a large snake like Buttercup my albino burmese python swimming in the aquascape recreation pond is amazing! She and all of the cichlids fish get along perfectly. It’s like a giant fish tank!
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She's absolutely beautiful! And this is coming from someone who is afraid of snakes, lol. 14 feet long, WOW!
Kenan, I could watch you playing with your python all day.
This is the dream
Miss ridin with ya. Your preserve is incredible. Glad to see you happy. Peace old friend.
Hi buttercup she looks so relaxed x
Ra ra Rasputin
It's a 13 foot love machine
I been working so much lately it's Been a awhile since i dropped by ur channel to see what's going on. Saying hello from East Dayton Ohio. Keep up the good work man
Oh she's just so gorgeous
Buttercup is a beaut! I dont think she likes the cam that much. It is satisfying watching her outside.
Buttercup is awesome. Great to see you let her out to explore.
She´s beautiful and so is the pond. Great video!
Its a pool noodle!!
Buttercup is such a chill snake and she seems so content. Thank you for sharing with us. I'm still jealous of that pond though ;p
I thought albino animals had red eyes? A true albino does, that would make that something else.
all we need now is a storm to have that pond over flow to have those fish get out and start populating and invade the states natural echo system. .
a good snake is a dead snake, plain and simple. good they are band now.
Anyone have a guess into what the jungle book character Kaa is snake wise i think either a reticulated python or a Burmese python
what happened whit you and Kyle's crocodile place ???????
She is magnificent!
You guys need a historic freeze to kill the iguanas and pythons. If you can have a freeze of 28 degrees or lower it should kill most of them but then you’ll have rotting smells and dead plants too.
Bro that pond is super nice. How long did it take to build?
Kenan I feel like you totally channel Steve Erwin. And he would be so proud! This is what upsets me about human kind we always think animals are out to get us. They are not man! We dont taste good! 🙂 love you!
Ok, what if you have a Bermise Python before that law came active? Will they kill your snake….?
Now that's a great pet owner! Kenan I wished more people would do special activities with their pets. It's so good for them to get out and explore or swim and especially your girl because she's so large.❤❤❤
It's fun to play with my snake……
Aren’t you afraid oof the snake taking it outside?
Thank you lamp Kenan for the great videos
Love Buttercup, Pond is Amazing, so nice to see
I am always amazed by the color of this girl!! Thanks!!
Kenan, your Pond is incredible!
Read the thumbnail and said “ that’s what she said”
Your place is just incredible if somebody told me to draw wot I think heaven looks like I would draw your home so lucky.