Rescue a poor cat was hanged his neck 5 days – God has rescued this cat!
Animal’s Health Care is created by a group of animal lovers in Vietnam!
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Channel Content included:
– Non – Profit Rescue and Protection Program for animals, dogs, cats and pets.
– Ways to prevent and treat common diseases for your pets.
– Animal’s Health Care will share information about the best and reputable pet care regimes in the world you need to know. Especially about VIP care services for Cats and Dogs.
– Animal’s Health Care includes caring and self-caring knowledge of small animals, ill animals that you need to know.
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Thank you.
Thank you so very much for helping that poor cat. I am ashamed that any human could let their pet get into such a position where It will be hanging for 5days. I love my 2 cats and would never let them get like that. Thanks again for helping our fur babies.
Get well soon, baby!!!
It's always a miracle to see an animal survive a severe-looking injury, but I'm glad every time an animal survives and gets to live a happier life afterward.
Baby you made it this long and are getting help You will make it The Lord watches over Everything
Thank You Our cats are watched over They are our kids We try and watch over all animals
Please update ?, this is horrible the world full of evil heart I can’t even watch the video but I need to see that it’s safe now. All the people in the world should gather and make rules for animal how to treat their pets and punishing them for not treating them good!! I hate human more and more each day
Mostra vídeo da recuperação. Afrouxam a atadura do pescoço
Graças a Deus deu tudo certo para o anjinho .gratidão eterna pelo resgate do anjiho lindo ?❤️
Thank you for helping God bless you all
This is so sad prayers
Poor animal and shame on them
God bless this sweet innocent soul and her rescuers! ??????
Looks a terrible injury but stay strong little kitty will take time sending you love
Is he alive today?
Pra quê fazer isso com o gatinho. ..o mundo é muito cruel com os animais ??eles não merecem isso
А покормить?
Хватит так безжалостно драть, ему же больно
Котик ЖИВИ???
❤️??? ???❤️??Brasil
Quem fais isso com os animais são bichos
Quanta maldade!!! Que Deus tenha misericórdia dos indefesos e dos que fazem o bem muita força.
Meu Deus que absurdo isso ???
Poor kitten it needs some good care ???????????????????
And how does the kitty follow?
You are the engels without wings, often you do not see each other but God sees you and is very proud of all of you who every day a little hope for these poor creatures makes the world a little better. Thanks to you all.
Ele ta mal mas vai ficar bem. Graças a Deus Vc o resgatou. Obrigada.
Wer macht so was schreckliches???
Danke dass ihr sie gerettet habt.ihr seit die BESTEN ?
With healing ? from me and my cat Albin, who looked at me so seriously when I saw the video.
Is he alive?? Thank God you save him!
It's in God's hands now the cat will ether recover or go to heaven where all good cat's go after death ether way it's up to God above to decide the cat's future now???
Como está o gatinho,nós de notícias por favor
Poor baby that's why don't put anything around a cats neck. Not even breakaway collars. Sounds to me they left him for days and he was hungry
It was not god but humans who rescued the cat
Bad humans make animals suffer.
Shameful for being humans.
Fortunately there are good people to help. God bless you and the pitiful cat.
Poor little thing
Awwwww bless him how anyone can do this is absolutely beyond me I l love cats and kittens
Glória a Deus nas alturas e muitas bênçãos a estas almas iluminadas que salvam estes nenês de DEUS. Obrigado a todos que ajudaram.
Jezusku gdybym umial krasc miliony, to wszystko przelal bym, na Wasze konto, ale jestem zwyklym czlowiekiem i coz, moge tylko Wam podziekowac, za Wasz chwalebny czyn. Kocham koty ,tak jak Wy, dziekuje !!!!
I love watching your video, I am taking care of stray cats almost 30 years,they come and go or die because they hit by car. I taken inside the house and raise 6 of them and now just 2 left they both 16years old. and outside 8 cats. when I watching the cats or dogs been rescue. I am so happy, you are doing the best thing that hard for peoples to do it! god bless you!
Огромное спасибо за спасение !!!,???❤️❤️❤️