Dynasties: First Look Trailer | New David Attenborough Series | BBC Earth

Dynasties: First Look Trailer | New David Attenborough Series | BBC Earth
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Sir David Attenborough takes us on a new journey to follow the greatest animals of their kind… Exclusive first look at the new BBC Earth series Dynasties. Find out when and where to watch it here: https://www.bbcearth.com/dynasties/modal/where-to-watch/ #Dynasties #WorldAnimalDay
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Buy the dynasties DVD: https://amzn.to/2TkVbSK

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  1. I love his documentaries..but on this one..I dont know if I can watch it..because when the animals hunt and kill..it always gets to me..I know its the law of the jungle so to speak..and the strongest survives..but still it does affect me..

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