Rescue Poor Cat extremely malnourished and severely dehydrated | Heartbreaking
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My heart is breaking! Last week when we got home from work this little guy was in our driveway…he had gone as far as he could. He could barely walk or lift up his head. His fur was so matted on his back it was as hard as a turtle shell. The weight of that was more than his body weight. When I picked him up he was nothing but skin and bones. All he wanted to do was be held. I don’t know if cats cry but it looked like he was crying when I held him. He was definitely asking for help. We fed him for the next few days and he seemed to gain more strength each day. Yesterday we took him to the vet. He’s a really sick little guy. They removed the hard mat of fur on his back and his behind which is why he’s bald in the photo. He’s extremely malnourished and severely dehydrated. His mouth and teeth are very infected, some are broken, and he needs some teeth extracted. We are giving him fluids by injecting under his skin twice a day. We were not really cat people but this is a living breathing animal with feelings.
Please donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/helpsaveneo
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
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Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
God bless you for helping the animal thank you very much from Lebanon ??????
That cat will love you forever ? love your profile and what you do
This is from June 2017, and the little guy was euthanized 5 weeks after being rescued when things became really bad for him.
❤️❤️??Thank you
Thank you for all your kindness and care to these unfortunate little bundles of innocence and Love.
A Big softy from England.
I'm so very thankful you rescued him, he would have died if you hadn't…and so many people think cats can make it on their own just fine! If you hadn't stepped in and helped him, he would not be alive today!
Thankyou for saving him, what a beautiful boy he is now
Kasian sekali???
I love it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The vet prices are over the top. Absolute madness. Shame on you, USA
Cazurile voastre ma lasa fara cuvinte. Cat chin pot indura aceste animalute. Felicitari voua ca le salvati viata
Thank you for helping kitty!!???????????
I can't believe that's the same animal! You are an exceptional person for doing that and giving him the life he deserves.
You all are angels. Thank you for all that you do!
Poor thing… Cats aren't toys, they're a living, breathing animal. Why do people do things like this? People can be SO cruel to helpless little animals…
Thank you all ?
The cat at the end is not the same… Why you are trying to cheering us???!!!
What about the sick kitty???
Bless the people who took good care of animals
GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE TANTE ??????♀️????❤️❤️❤️???????????
Poor angel of God, thank you for saving him. God bless you all ?❤????????????
There's still lots of animals to rescue, after that, we have to deal with humans, with ourselves, our actions we do. Pollution…. And trash…. I'm sure that God is happy that we are saving his animals.
У нас за 3000$ человека убить могут ))))
Sorry but that is NOT the same cat at the end.
I love all animals. Cats especially ❤?? Thank you for caring and rescue. All lives matter!
Is this really the same cat in the end? or you made a typo? He can't look that good after only 2 months
I'm getting really sad becuase the things that happen to these animals people act like their just toys animals should not suffer when they do nothing were becoming animals doing this to them. Every like on this comment will make this channel save animals everyday and bring care and hope to them
Sow much thank for save him??❤❤
God bless??
This hit me, hard….two years ago I lost my oldest cat due to kidney failure….he had a tremendous apetite but he looked like a skeleton in his final time. Even with medicin his condition couldn´t be reversed…….So I can´t ever tell you how grateful I am for giving this little one a second chance to be healthy, happy and playful….
Thank you for making the world a better place
Just let him die. Cat's have 9 lives lol
All the best to the little cat…
Supurb job