When Katrina hit, an incredible group of dedicated volunteers came to East New Orleans facing incredible hardships to rescue over 3,000 pets. MuttShack ran a MASH unit, pet shelter and an aggressive ward clinic with Jim Crosby. They stayed and lobbied in support of Senator Fontenot’s Pets Act winning the right for people to evacuate with their pets. But the crisis is not over. The act did not provide for all the supplies equipment and training that is necessary pre-storm. Even though people will be evacuated with their pets, equipment, supplies and trained volunteers are still desperately needed.
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Idiots who leave their dogs behind dont love them. When hurricane Ike hit Houston we had to evacuate and my boys wer me with me all the time. Couldnt live without them really…
I have a Katrina rescue dog, he is the best pet ever! Keep up the great work.
don't ever let this happen again…take your animals with you and don't let anyone tell you otherwise…..
0:31 always makes me choke up.
Thank you it is nice to know people like you are out there helping the animals.There are plenty of people who help the humans-who cares about the poor animals? You guys obviously do, it makes me feel better. *.Saving just one pet won't change the world .but, surely, the world will change for that one pet.* Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.Please do keep up the good work. You Make a Difference! LOVE AN ANIMAL-CHANGE THE WORLD, ♥Friends for the love of Animals♥
this video is sooooo sad 🙁
God bless you! I was in New Orleans post Katrina.
I love him (Gandih) for saying that!
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" ~Gandhi (1869-1948)
i'm a vet nurse who lives in Australia. I worried, dreamt and thought about all the animals that were affected from the tragedy. There are plenty of people who help the humans-who cares about the poor animals??? You guys obviously do, it makes me feel better knowing your organization kept it's promise and delivered it. WELL DONE, NOTHING ANYONE CAN SAY CAN TRULEY ARTICULATE THE GOOD YOU ALL DO. You are the guardian angels and voice to the innocent and voiceless.
Very informative. I am a Muttshack volunteer. While I hope not to have to serve during a Katrina-type event, I do foster and participate in ongoing education so that I am ready. Thank you all for your support, in whatever form it takes.
thank goodness for folks like you taking care of all our best little friends. Where would Mankind be without the companionship of our beloved animals
i joined too.. i would love to volunteer and help out.. im going to do anything i can!
I just found your site and signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for working "oh, so very" hard – for the animals.
Thank You for adding this video to my group. Sorry it took me so long to view it. An amazing project
God Bless everyone who works for these precious souls.
Kudos to MuttShack for all of their incredible work! I will definitely donate to this worthy cause.
We must NEVER allow another Hurricane Katrina to happen again! Thank you, MuttShack for all you do.
Very well done!!! Thanks for all the work you do…