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1:31 – Kunkka just like ''SIT THE FUCK DOWN''
that slark clip is a funniest shit i ever seen in fails of the week
this is like every unranked game
where's reaves ??
look like them have sex 4:04
It was at this moment 08:00 Huskar knew He's fucked
that axe can just use his first skill, cause it'll break the trees i guess if i'm not wrong
wheres the ageis that their fighting for ros. the bloodseeker i cant believe he stuck at the catapult the hell!!!!! love it
Penis potato squad
your videos would be much nicer if u guys stop talkin.so annoying. . .just show the videos wit music and stop the commentating jeez!
Techies may be intimidating only because there's 3 mad men with FUCKING BOMBS charging at you with #noregrets
we like the long vids
Magnus No !!
Just love your videos!
That poor ranged creep…
This video shows y in pubs lina shudnt buy euls those morons never know when to use it lol
Where is Reaves?
Watch my Dota 2 Submission 🙂
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MAGNUS NO! (come on everyone was thinking it =P)
i like slacks, but wheresREAVES???
Bring Back Reeves!
Sorry Sunsfan Where's Dota fails EP 128 ?
Done watched them all! Only took a month or two XD
Those bees in the axe clip… i think the guy was hacking, if you look at them and his buddy he gets initiated on from where they were, also i swear the larger "swarm" used a force staff