After visiting the bushfire-ravaged New South Wales’ town of Mogo, Sky News host Alan Jones says he can’t “remember seeing devastation like this ever”.
The NSW town was all but destroyed in a bushfire this summer, while residents are pleading for business to return to the area.
After visiting the town, Mr Jones said he saw “crumpled corrugated iron … [and] burnt out accommodation”.
“This is staggering in its devastation,” he said.
Image: News Corp Australia
Interesting how the LEAVES didn't burn up, the trees didn't burn down BUT THE BUILDINGS DID. Looks just the way the Camp Fire in California did.
Gee Alan, I can't believe it. You haven't noticed all the green trees around while you tour burnt houses?
Is anybody else noticing the oddity of houses and cars almost melted and yet trees nearby not affected at all???
Alan, Tears drown the flames, sweat washes away the ash.
In 2013 I rode into a place called Dunalley on my Enfield, i travel on it as i find you are more open and experience your surroundings. At first I was rubber necking, that stopped right quick. I rode through to the bridge. The only thing that I remember is an untouched lonely old weatherboard house with a burnt fence. At the bridge I didn't have it in me to continue and I simply could not turn back. Instead of turning left over the bridge, rode straight ahead onto a gravel patch before the water. Put my feet down, helmet on the bars but could not turn to look. Just couldn't, stared at the gravel. I felt like some sort of pervert.
I don't know how long I sat there. I don't remember the water in front of me, the view, the shed'n shop next to me, nothing. You want to unsee what you've seen but you can't so I 'came to terms' with it. OK, it happened now the dirty bit, time to get to work. Tears drown the flames but it takes sweat to wash away the ashes.
Later I rode through that town everyday to work repairing fences for a rude, grumpy, lucky old bugga. His house was still standing and across the track a shed, tractor and quads. But his little timber mill and everything else gone. The insurance was being processed. In April when I rode off it was still being processed. I worked with the two Col's, the only blokes old Ike could afford to keep on. They called each other 'Fat ****' and 'Rude ****'. Good workers, went at it hard and went at it all day, I could not remotely keep up, I tried and they appreciated it.
I've seen all that before, the soot, everything grey or black. In '83 at Cockatoo, '09 in Marysville. At some point, no … on a few occasions you are going to have to stop, look down, catch your breath, tidy your emotions and get on with it. But it doesn't matter where you are in Oz, or when, there is always one beacon of hope, one warm shining light, the bloody fantastic Aussie people.
Only four months later when I rode out of Sorell, when we couldn't find any more fences to build. I did a tour, there was a lot of green and other colours, a great deal had been built now it was getting a lick. Colour was returning to that Peninsula, it always does. It will in Mogo mate, she'll be right, they are Aussies.
I thought you lot were banging on about the fires not being unprecedented and they were completely the norm, etc, etc, etc.
You lot flip and flop about worse than the dying murray cod your government suck jobs are killing by the hundreds with their cotton farm policies. Each way Albo? Each way Sky News Au.
"Overnight parking", "Sales office", "Gold rush colony", – the signs, not burnt, are of some irony of the world we happen to live in. Of the world that nowadays looks like the theatre of Absurd
Geo Engineering nano partial spraying of aluminum, barium, iron,strontium,and more… could this have anything to do with these out of control fires ?
Has Australia lost GOD's blessing.
test the metal content of the trees.
Alan Jones: While Australians are reeling over the bushfires and the Corona Virus, our beloved gov is passing laws in a few days to remove CASH from our way of life…… and they r hell bent in taking our freedoms away while all this is happening when everyone is distracted elsewhere.
I honestly don't know what anyone can do to recover. Those families need a miracle.
Brush fires don't create enough heat to melt aluminum engine blocks. Directed Energy Weapons cause these 'brush/wild fires.'
Jones is going soft. Back in the day we had far worse but the lizard illuminati deep state Soros funded apparatchiks conspired to hide the data. Now idiots like Jones want us to believe those recent camp fires were bad! Why, back in 1876 I remember when the whole of Australia (including the skies and the seas) burned to the ground. We didn't complain. We just got on with it.
i am a 38 yo i have been in the direct path of 3 cyclones 2 floods and seen some wild weather in between that forced me to drive through flash flooding and this dinosaur says I've not devastation like this. well not from his penthouse i guess
So called Green policies are a major contributor to this disaster! ?? No Fuel No Fire!!! ??
Blessings from Scotland UK ?? Australia ?? I wish you well. May your Phoenix rise from the ashes to be something even more beautiful than which you have lost.
Those bogans in Western Sydney don't care, as long as they have stadiums to take their SPAWNS OF A DRUNKEN NIGHT OUT to watch 80 minutes of cuddle pile bum sniffing. Oh my, some Westie didn't get to kiss their kids goodnight yesterday. QUICK, call up Hadley on 2GB & demand he tells the NSW Government to put another lane on the M4 to get you home 5 minutes early. Because "I'VE GOT FARKEN KIDS!!!!!!"
It’s alright sitting in your Aircondition office reminding us of what a wholesome person you are Allan. Curious to know what have you ‘personally’ done for the environment? Me personally, I’ve spent half my life savings buying and planting tress & native shrubs.. Allan how many trees have you yourself have planted? I’ve lost count after the first couple of thousand.
this report loves himself. had skip most to get to the topic.
If we got to vote for a leader like other countries do… I'd certainly be happy to see this guy in the top job. Smart, common sense and genuinely cares about everyday people. I don't remember the last prime minister I could say the same for
But but there's still 7.5 Billion left on Earth
When you wipe out 3.5 Billion human lives in 3.5 years
Then we can talk Revelation lol
What can you see through a hole in the side of a public toilet cubicle?