Magi-Cam spies an American Black Bear with her 8 month old cubs. As the family are not aware that they are being watched, the camera is able to pick up some fantastic new images of Bears at rest. Narrated by Sir David Attenborough. Visit http://www.bbcearth.com for all the latest animal news and wildlife videos and watch more high quality videos on the new BBC Earth YouTube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/bbcearth
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they will soon discover the mirrors
I guess the bears can smell it, the smell of oil is disgusting to them, who used to fresh air ^^
A camera that can't be seen via reflective materials? Why do I have a feeling that this is exactly what UFOs are doing to observe us?
Why didnt she get nervous about her own reflection? Wouldnt that put a thought in her head that the "coast" wasnt clear?
We should kill all this mother fuckers. Make them extinguished just like dinosaurs.
Mirrorcam with a shotgun ))) yeaah))
The Boxers will pose for mirror cam.
Mirror cam reminds me of Vampire Hunter D
does anyone have the feeling there beeing watched
Hah. Good point. I wonder how Bonobo's would react to the mirror-cam…
@beefygreenapples the mirrors look like they're facing down a bit so the bears would have to go extremely close to see part of themselves.
What's the use of the mirror I thought you are trying to let them to see there reflection to freak them out lol 🙂
so… the bears don't see their reflection and freak out?
@RockOnDoooooooooood AAAHAHAHAHA!
It worked!
what kind of voodoo magic is this D:
I can use this machine in the girls locker room, nobody will notice 😀
@shinobijikininki Not necessarily because then it will have a distortion
i've got loads of SPAGHETTI