Check out the original videos –
(SCRAT-Tech&Ride) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14SewDgEPGk
(zzranmazz) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpgdAHRb9EM
(Str805Speed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FxqUgg990A
(KaptanYosun Motovlog) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHyQMaH4Rd4
(Narniano RS) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKN1cCEh9SL6cEnCVbOniFA
(bobotron) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJEG90SH94o
(Phantom Rides) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDgyetwc6MU
(Csaba) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkRldNrEjvg
(Can Motovlog) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVQnI1DuevQ
(AsN R6-Oficial-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqI4aDVCeg8
(HellOnWheels_814) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZBh6_JLBxk
(RookVI) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jcxDzLSytQ
(Thunder Cams) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgMzWjqVXPjSAvv7qxNhauw
(Josh Glastra) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7vXyq43438
(Asphalt Burner) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuHRnnG4i5U
(TydoggBeVloggin) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhS_JMCYJcM
(Murtanio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc8oamndXrg
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1st -Bike is not for pusy.
Sto places koji kurac
At 8:00 that bike sleep for 1km
Jesus the first drop, some people are jus tnot cut out to ride.
I couldnt help it ? 1:43
Ditzy bitch at the beginning
If they can drive like a moron, they can also call their own ambulance ?
Приятно посмотреть как упиздюливаются ебанутые на мотопедах ???
Хорошо бы все упездюлились.
Тогда может сокойней на дорогах будет…
10:00 “Let’s get that bike back up on its wheels.” “What about our buddy?” “Fuck’em. He’s too far down the highway.”
Motorcycle Logic – 3 lanes off traffic flowing 1 direction . 2 lanes , left and center , nearly stopped or stopped . Far right lane opened with mostly no traffic which means SPEED UP and BOOM , CRASH . I see this over and over on motorcycle videos .
As a biker "ban the lot of them".
Too fast round corners, pulling wheelie, over/ undertaking at high speed.
Treating the public highway like a race way.
I love motor bike but lets be honest they offer no support in an accident crashing at any speed can be fatal, i was luch enought to only fracture my left leg, all my bike loves please be safe riding on the streets
5:54 my dad always told me that when I get comfortable on my bike , that’s when it’s about to mess you up lol! He was right
Hello on Wheels…. YES .. for every Road User. Ps. What the Hell is wrong with the Car User.. block the Road, Break, Laughs and wait on the Crash… STUPID ASSHOLE.
Most of these people are just stupid
hey, HellOnWheels814, that lane is for ONCOMING traffic dumbass! you deserved all that!
First video: Crash your bike and have the best orgasm ever.
Get your L plate's back on and retake your test.shouldn,t be on the road.
If you can't pull a weely don't dipshit.
Non non non non non non. LMAO.
9:16 If you're ever in a situation, whereby you come off your motorbike at a rate of knots, orientate yourself, as soon as possible, on your back, feet first, with your back arched, so the three points of contact are your feet (souls of your boots) buttocks and shoulders. Assume that position till you come to a complete stop. Never, ever try to hang onto the motorcycle or try to get up!
dude @1.44 got what he deserved stupid fuck,,hope that hurt,,an the clown @ 6.40 what a dead dickhead darwin at work right there,Respect to the people on track track,,,thats where u push it not on roads where they get what they deserve,RIP clowns
8:20 Poor bike?
I just love to see those idiots pulling wheelies crash! Especially when going over 100 mph!
2:38 shit!… shit!…shit!
Whats the second guy doing? FYI theres these things called CORNERS and what you do is TURN
2:25 he deserves every bit of it. Actually, every biker who lane straddles deserves it. Unfortunately, the guy in the car, a good, wise citizen suffers because of stupid bikers who think they're God when they have a piece of engine between their thighs.
4.19 welcome to the dumb blokes club
That second lady , getting rammed in u know where
4:23 he ran over the guy who fell firsts leg
2:23 It was the moment he knew, he f*ck up
1st clip: girl falls off bike, girl cries ???
i like these stupids, Darwin is doing a good job haha
Riding a bike is one of the best experience, but most dangerous, after heroin. Now they are constipated, singing shit.
Did you see the truck? It smashed them like flyers.
Do they sell bike chains for the winter?
These idiots are the reason why motorcycle insurance is so high.
lots of broken bones so far up to 2:45. did not countersteer at 6:18, lost traction at 9:20 when he hit the paint
Dodgy bikers getting rekt
4:25 target fixation.
That first one…………….
I think im wet??
These people are high have they been drinking
video starts ..
my parents: WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING!!!!!