This is Riley's Journey – Stray Rescue of St.Louis

This is Riley's Journey - Stray Rescue of St.Louis
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We’ve compiled the footage and photos of all of Riley’s firsts – the first time we laid eyes on him, the first time he drank water, the first time he ate, and the first steps he took. And now, we’d like to tell you for the first time, he is medically cleared and ready for his forever home!! This is what Stray Rescue is ALL ABOUT. Thank you for supporting us and being there for us no matter what. Riley, like so many others, is worth the effort!
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#LeaveNODogBehind #DontGiveUp


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  1. I dont understand how any humans can do this to any animals they only love us thankyou for taking care of this beautiful angel people who take care animals love them and kind to them god loves those people

  2. We grew up with dogs, a vet told my mom years ago the best thing to give a sick or badly injured dog is raw sheep's liver. We cut it in small strips and fed our dogs, worked wonders.

  3. God gave us dominion ober all the creatures of this earth put no where in the bible did he say to abuse them the people that did this will pay dearly to all you people how help these defenseless animals your are a blessing from God thank you

  4. I fall in love with every animal that you guys show on this channel. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing LOL I think it just shows that the amount of compassion that I have true life a happy life and prosperous.

  5. I lived in North Carolina for a few years will say and I come acrossed many of pitbulls dogs that I have rescued and bought two the top of the line top of the notch however you want to say it veterinarians I would like to say and I hate to be negative I spent time overseas two tours and I would put my weapons down just I have 5 seconds in a room with someone who would mistreat these dogs the way they do Just for kicks and I've seen it plenty of times. We're dogs were tortured Just for kicks I've seen them with missing limbs, arrow sticking out of them. And I'm sure that you people have seen worse. My blood is boiling now so I'm going to come down and just thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you do and saving these dogs getting them out of pain and the medication they need. I wish I could do more but I am now homeless Broken Man whose heart goes out to these poor animals. And if I could just have God answer my prayers I would have every dog cat slash animal that needed help on a piece of property I will build just for them to fit their needs and I'm not talking about winning the lottery I'm talking about just getting on my feet. So again thank you from the bottom of my heart

  6. What a handsome boy he is ,whoever did this to this to Riley ,I hope they suffer for the rest of their miserable lives,thank you for helping this beautiful dog ????????????????❤️??

  7. Thank y'all for saving these poor babies placing them in great homes , they have evil people to do things like that to these pitties they have huge hearts

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