Cat Mom Chalisa playing with kittens toy fish. Baby kittens running around and try to catch it…
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▫️Mother cat?Pūkė CHALISA
▫️The daughter?Bandita SHANI
▫️The daughter?Chikita MANTRA
▫️Adopted boy ?Rango RAMSES
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Hahaha! Not so little Horus Archibald Balks is almost as big as his mum! My Sphynx mom, Curly Sue, is around 6 and playful like that too! She runs around super fast and leaps up to the top of the sofa and runs the length of it and then back to zooming around the floor! Very high energy kitties!
I believe the toys have catnip involved. So funny the OG and babies on a high. ?????
God bless mama cat. She may be all grown up but in her heart she’ll always be a kitten.?????????