The rescued pet raccoon is doing much better. He is now walking normally. I think maybe yesterday the cage floor and loft felt foreign to his paws so he didn’t want to touch it. He can also get up and down the ramp easily. He’s been playing in his pond and with toys. He is soooo much more relaxed, so am I. I am a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. Animal Advocates, Mary Cummins, http://www.animaladvocates.us http://animaladvocateswildliferehabilitation.blogspot.com
i live in hell
we need someone like you over here in illinois
thats to bad if he cant be released that hes confined to that cage does he get clean drinking water or is that because of him making a mess
Mary your so awesome!!
He sure seems to like exploring his new cage. Is he going to be able to be set free or does he have to live in captivity from now on? He's adorable.
Aww! So great to see him doing well! Thank you for helping the lil bugger 🙂
I love this too, what a great little guy
love this~!
Nice follow-up to the terrible photos yesterday. Good luck, little rascal.
Aww bless him! He looks so happy :3
Story was so depressing yesterday, thanks for sharing the happy part today, lol. Cute little guy.