Today we react to amazing NEXT LEVEL things pulled off by people with true talent and I only have one thing to say: PEOPLE ARE AWESOME!
This compilation of videos come from reddit and the subreddit r/nextfrickinglevel.
Check out the AMAZING video on Action Park by Defunctland:
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Business contact (Sponsorships etc): laura@laurachernikoff.com
Edited by Martin Olsson
I was so shocked when he mentioned Haikyuu 😮
I love that anime ??
Oh no roomie has become the thing he hates the most A REACTION CHANNEL
Idk If anyone gonna get mad at me but I'm joking
roomie: "'100 drones giving a light show', oh my word is that even possible?"
2017 super bowl halftime: bitch, please.
I just want to know if the background is real or he uses a green screen
they did a drone show in the start of the winter olympics i think
how will you propose to your love of your live, Roomie?
Roomie: IT'S a native American guy!..Is it that guy?
Picture- Sitting Bull
There’s an action park movie made by the jackass guys.
Roomies ginger?!
He sounds like pewds
a girl in my school doing thease 10:30 and saying to me
WHAT YOU CANT DO THIS EEAASSY TRICK-.Calls friends. Her friends-BOI U CANT DO THEASE TRICK U NOOB HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHWhen that big brain energy has transferred to the new number one Swede ?
roomie sees a cute girl playing zelda
Zelda – Roomie
Memories bring back memories bring back you.
The only way you'll ever propose to someone is if you stop wearing that hat
I am unsubscribing your channel right now! How do you (Imagine it in Greta's voice) turn vegan and still appreciate a meat dish?
the drone thing is real.
The Boston dynamics robot was fake
He said my name 😮
As bayrakları as as as :dd
Do a video where you speak in swedish.
“I like those swimming trunks”
Thought Pewds was back :3
No waluigi hat dislike
At 3:43 he sounds like pewds when he says that so epic.
The controller is fake you can’t play Zelda on Xbox the kid in the back was playing
Trunks lol
Has dis man not watched the Winter Olympics?
You gotta stop wearing this hat
This should be a series called: "NFL" (Next Fricking Level) things and Roomie saying "am I right?" in the intro.
no sunlight: black hair
sunlight: brown hair lol
You are slowly turning into PewDiePie…
3:38 so….basically….Spider-Man: Far From Home?
Your acting like Tommy cruse
You know he's next fricken dad level because he called a switch an xbox.