Rescue Poor Stray Dog in horrendous and painful state, the misery of neglect, pain and hunger
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this is a dog, what a horrendous and painful state he is in
a man that we know, spotted him all alone in a field. We were then alerted to him and immediately said we wanted to help him, with a little food and time, he was able to be caught… He was desperately hungry.
He’s been checked straight into our vets, who has confirmed he’s a very, very old boy with the most unbearable state of mange. He looks like a concrete dog
Surprisingly his bloods have come back almost perfect and this means treatment will begin and we will do everything we can to get him to the most wonderful condition.
Although a little unsure about what is going on, he’s very friendly
Can you imagine him trying to survive this winter..
Courtesy: https://www.facebook.com/LaUrA245
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: nguyenthithiqnu@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Лайк спасибо большое за помощь сабачкам
Desi Loves His Humans!!!!! I, Now, Love Desi Too!!!!!! Be Safe Desi!!!!!
Awesome rescuers
rescuers and the family who adopted him! ?Loving is quite important. No animal should be left alone like that especially! domesticated animals! Thanking God that there're are beautiful souls!?
Bože ovo je strašno jadna kuca
God bless all these poor souls
We don't have many stray dogs in Germany. There are more cats living as strays. There are no shelter animales killed. They all are looking for a new owner. If there is nobody to be found they are kept till they die. Are there still places, where they are killed after a while in USA?
Ugly looking dog, even after he is healthy. But he deserved to be healthy and happy
God bless you all for saving Desi ??❤️???
Tausendmal DANKE an alle,die diesem armen kleinen Schatz geholfen haben!!!Ihr seid einfach wunderbar!!!!Es ist schön zu sehen,dass er jetzt ein liebevolles Zuhause hat!Danke!!!!?♀️?
GRAZIE A VOI !!! ???❤❤✌????????????????
He wants to live
How handsome is he….
Glad Desi was adopted by a loving,compassionate family & will love hi. 4-ever.Take care & God bless ???
How much we love him
Bravo et merci pour votre fantastique travail
Thank you for saving the cute puppy. God bless you guys.
So sweet.Thankyou.???♥️
Poor dog
Poor dog
Poor dog
????thank you :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
I cant sooooooo saaaaad ????????????????????
Desi is a lovely boy!! He is so cute when the handsome man kissing him!! You are a kind people !! So nice to see!! Have a good day!!
This little dog is an absolute angel! So incredibly sweet. He wouldn't have survived the winter or much longer. I'm happy beyond words that he has a home he deserves!
Heart breaking to see dog stave poverty that conditions ?that ? takes long time to heal poor ?? god have mercy to these creatures ??
Awesome, glad that doggo is okay!
Looks to me that he’s grown attached to the woman with blonde hair but I think the man that’s holding him is his daddy now
Very happy.
Poor guy he desperately needs a furever and loving home. I know you guyz will help him.
Those beautiful eyes! What a loved boy he is ??♥️?
Waua Waua!
This dog is so precious! Im so glad you helped him. Your truly Angels ?
God Bless you because you saved the dog which is sweet
God bless you guys ??
شكرا ❤ ❤
This pore old boy needs wet food, what country is this boy? Thank you for help one more dog.
В топ ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Love feels good inside and out….he wagging his tail happy and peaceful.Well done.