A dangerous opiate called fentanyl is turning one of the worst drug epidemics in U.S. history even deadlier. In the The Naked Truth’s series premiere, Fusion correspondent Mariana van Zeller traces the drug’s two sources: pharmaceutical companies and Mexican drug lords.
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My son died from this. This epidemic has to be brought under control. I miss him everyday. I often think i she cold in his coffin. I know where he is. As a child he had 3 surgeries and you know he was given pain medication as a child. When he was 7 he started having seizures and we don’t know what the seizures could have done to him. He had major surgery at 18 and I believe his brain was already gone to a mental disease. He would stay clean for a while, then the “other drug friends.”would come along. This was a roller coaster for our family. The day he died on November 22nd he was found in a bathroom at a bowling alley. I don’t know how long he was dead before someone found him.
About a month before he died I got on my knees and prayed to God to please help him. The week before he died on a Friday my husband and I went to visit him. Justin was clean that day. His dad and him made amends that day. It was like they were best friends. They did not get along at all.
I do believe that when I prayed to God to take away his addiction, he did. Justin was not strong. Justin followed and loved everyone.
We are not ashamed of his addiction, because he had a disease.
I miss my boy with all my heart and know one day we will all unite as a family.
Oh lord….the people dieing from any pain killers are the fucking turds of humanity. Just like u can get and get drunk every fucking weekend and be fine. Or u can be the turds that binge drink just shoving everything down ur throat to get as fucked as possible. Its the same person that's dieing from fent. But these try make it look like everybody that uses it is homeless in a coma with a needle sticking out they arm. Just like everyone that's drinks isnt a homeless bum. Not every one using a pain killer is either.
Leave Drugs alone!!!!!!
The only ones doing this shit are junkies and crackwhores, then you deserve to die off. ?
I want to try fentynal, give it to me for free, I won't die, I won't get addicted because i'm already there. fuck the police, fire fighters, and paramedics.
And in 2020 nothing's changed
Heroin comes in brown powder or white powder also black tar. Also now fetynal comes in white ,pink and blue.
Just stick with the weed. CBD for everyday use and THC for birthdays, concerts, and other speashal occasions.
The government is allowing these drug companies to kill people. Greed is the most powerful of evils.
Stop buying it and stop blaming the drug dealers you bought it morons
Ya but the real truth is the cops seize these drugs at the boarder and distribute them to specific dealers who infect work for the cops and as I'm sure you have noticed drug dealers don't get arrested only users get arrested. So fact of the matter is the cops are the drug cartel in the u.s. so that makes the cops the real murderers.
Americans love there drugs!
Those brothers from Massachusetts were drop dead gorgeous.What a loss. They could’ve had such a bright future.?
This is on the government and big pharmaceutical.
If what that guy had in the bottle could kill someone then every single person who used it would die no matter what their tolerance . They only say it is worse then it is because that’s what sells morels that drug. They hype is selling it drug addicts who watch videos like this will want to buy it even more !!! When people sell dope and one of the customers died because it was so strong then the other dope addict want I but it wasn’t at much more . That’s what’s going on here. Think about why I’m saying ass a former 9 year meth addict I can’t tell you that’s the truth.
they started doing fentanyl because the government took oxycontin off the market
Dude I’ve seen it first hand. This fentanyl shit ain’t playin around.
El Chapo should be executed.
Relapse is the most dangerous thing. You have lost your tolerance. Then one time you relapse you often do what amount you would do as a junkie. You remember doing that dose 3 times a day and functioning normal and going about your day. The problem is opiod tolerance is easily built up fast. Often people can do 20 or 30 times more per dose as a junkie than they did the first time they used. Opiods are very different in the resect of tolerance than any other drugs. So if you go and take the same dose as you did 3 times daily as a junkie, you are taking a dose that is now fatal because you've been clean for months and lost your tolerance.
Best way to solve the drug problem
1)Nancy Ragan just say NO
2) Fentanyl
Thats why it should be legal…so it can be regulated. Put the criminals out of business in a day. They'll go back to stealing purses and snatching chains. Take the power back.
We have cargo ships full of containers of fentanyl pulling into our posts. Coming from China. And our politicians are buddies with the drug cartels. All making tons of money. They don't give a crap if you're addicted or die!!!
This is a fucked up world,u make ur own hell on earth
Drs !!!!
I don't feel bad for them ..
They know the consequences.
So I looked at it as it just Reds Society of dumb people
Well maybe the idiots running the War on Drugs will be forced to admit it’s a total failure and waste of money! Just as was Prohibition. At least we wised up and stopped that. Drugs, and people wanting to alter their conscience state has exited since the beginning of human record. The question is are we as a nation going to wise up and get a government that isn’t in denial! Hypocrisy! Opiates have always been out there. And we ARE the biggest market for drugs. Of course someone is going to come up with something stronger and cheaper. More profit. My question is why the increase in usage. Since grunge hit heroin got a new leg…there’s always been pockets of users but for the most part the 70s-80s it was SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE. Being a junkie was SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE. Why the following generations find it to be romantic in some way I’ll never get. The world isn’t HARDER today than in the 70s. What’s changed is the inability of people to deal with life. Until it is SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE again it won’t stop!
I'm afraid if Patrick wanted to live, Patrick wouldn't have shot up that one last time, considering he'd been clean for a year. I realize its addiction, and that's a disease, an illness, but the user has to want to be/stay clean in order for the programs to work.
She shouldn’t touch those bags cause she could overdose just by touching it and residue could be around the bag
Quick guys lets go save this overdosing drughead so they can live to get high once again
Good thats a few less dope head in this world
simple solution to this. Dont pop street pills or if you do then test them
I think that when god told adam and eve that if you eat of this tree you shall surely die? Im almost sure it was the opium poppy plant. It had to be..
Im glad i kicked my heroin habit in 1999 before fentanyl started getting mixed with it.
I believe absolutely everyone on the planet has an addiction, it just how it manifests depends on weather u are looked at as an dirty addict or not…. addictive behaviour etc… over indulging on food, chocolate, coffee, make up, work, smoking, porn masturbation, alcohol, drugs, sex, making stupid amounts of money, gambling, having loads of babies people cant take care of, being a bully, being a walk over, reading, flying on aeroplanes, deep sea diving.drama, tattoos, religion… cleaning there's so many I can't even go through them but the instant gratification is all what we look for and then the guilty feeling after of why did I just do that and the hiding of how much we indulge in that behaviour lets me think we're all addicts in our own way. I would love to know which part of every persons brain causes this seriously. I think the ones that are an obvious risk to our lives are seen the worst.
Okay the pharmaceuticalindustry get you hooked on opioids then you go out there and find the only way you can is illegal drugs now who is the actual blame when you get hooked on f**** pharmaceutical pills who the f*** is the blame….
And that's not to be mean that's the truth you take away the market there will be no need for it you could not get rid of it I know a few people may die that's sad Ido you know but that's their decision you know not to do drugs alcohol is legal and you don't drink unless you do that's your decision cigarettes are legal it kills a lot of people people still smoke cigarettes things are nasty
Five years there will be no drug addiction in the United States if you legalize take the market away from it's not worth nothing you can have 50 million kilos of whatever and could not get a rid of it
And when you keep it legal you keep the market for it kill the market near is no need for it… you should legalize every every drug heroin cocaine LSD whatever legalize it that way there is no market for it in 5 years or will be no drug addicts in the United States they will either be all dead nobody will want to do it after that there won't be no market for it because everybody have too much cocaine too much heroin how could you get rid of it you take the market away from something it loses its value..
this is no accident – Agenda 21/30 depopulation clean sweep
I was given Fentanyl when I got hurt working in the hospital. At the end I was on 150mg at 89lbs along with Valium. How I didn't die is unknown. I took myself off this Hell when my legs had turned Black and I couldn't remember days at a time. I thought it was given to me to make the pain stop I now believe it was so I could keep working since it was from the Doctors I worked with.
If someone OD’s in the in the town people find out and line up at that dealers house. If people die that’s what they want for them has to be really good
Crazy seeing Hillary up there talking about drug abuse. Her and Willie the pimp brought more drugs into Arkensas and the US than El Chapo ever did.
Pure heroin mixed with fent hmm don't think it's pure there mam