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It’s always sad to watch your favorite character shuffle off this mortal coil. But it’s even worse for the actors involved, who often have to film these emotionally difficult scenes over and over again. It’s no wonder, then, that actors often try to lighten the mood by goofing off right as their character is kicking the bucket. Here’s a look at some unexpected bloopers during death scenes…
Inglourious Basterds | 0:19
Dracula: Dead and Loving It | 0:48
The Avengers | 1:19
Jaws | 1:53
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 | 2:19
Merlin | 2:59
The Interview | 3:24
Game of Thrones | 3:51
Read more here → http://www.looper.com/86574/unexpected-bloopers-death-scenes/
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What other fatal bloopers do you think should've made this list?
The jaws one ya I forgot that happened
hilarious, actually
What a LAME video
The dullest bloopers ever come on looper
This was awful!!!! Don't bother watching!! Much better crap out there!
I thought hilarious meant funny.
The British “Carry-on” movies were one of the first parody movies ! Not these ! And, they were much better than the Mel Brooks effort !
audio is almost entirely you talking
Lame, give it up
Haha. Hey everyone! YOUTUBE – Stephanie Valhalla. Giving away 3 FREE Tree of Life pendants to 3 people.
Good, funny stuff.
I love jaws it’s my favorite movie
Remove all the narration and it will be much better.
Bloopers? Where?!
So can somebody please explain to me why the movie The Interview was controversial?. Like seriously why or how it was?!. I mean Eminem saying he's gay isn't that controversial. ???????
ok… and when should i laugh ? i haven't seen anything "hilarious" in this vid…
You can do better.
3.2 million subs for shit like this? I should start YT
Wow, I've never seen a YouTube comment section in such unanimous agreement about something…
Since you're using video as your medium of communication, don't narrate the blooper, use video to show them. Otherwise, you get a thumbs down.
Well that's the last 4 minutes I waste watching Looper crap.
2:51 So comfortable that he fell asleep and started snoring!
Super lame.
Colbie Smulders cant act even for fake bloopers
Perhaps if you had shown the clips, rather than flashing clips of the clips amid other clips of clips from the same movie that had nothing to do with any death scene. Also, bloopers are traditionally expected to be funny or at least mildly interesting.
Yeeaah…That wasn't a blooper from Dracula: Dead and Loving It – That was the actual scene in the movie
Whats name of background music???
Bloopers; maybe. Hilarious? Not so much.
"Bloopers….well,where are they,I thought this was bloopers,semi bloopers don't count,only full bloopers,oh i don't think there are any,boring talk,no bloopers"-???
Wow. Such a extraordinary waste of time to watch and leave this message.
Boycott hollyweird
These aren't bloopers!!!
Urm… No.3 Is false – Coulsin (Or however you spell it) doesn't die…
well that was a boring 4 minutes
Jennifer Connolly is my favourite
Actors must emote by putting themselves into the character in order to play it. It sometimes requires crying when you do not feel sad, among other emotions. That's why it's called acting (really a pretense) and sometimes at work, you need to lighten up a bit and not become so totally taken with a scene that it affects you for next scene. Really accomplished actors can do it, sometimes tyros can not. It takes a lot out of you sometimes. You must KNOW you are pretending, yet some "method actors" think of something very sad so they can cry on cue. Others just have glycerin put in their eyes and down their cheeks!! And sometimes your fellow actors (if they care about you) will use a ruse or pull a little trick to make you lighten up! Some actors have an innate sense of humor, others do not. But having one can help in difficult scenes.
If ever an understatement was uttered, it's the word "hilarious" describing this video. My cheeks and sides are killing me.
To me a rather boring 'bllopers' clips, as I didn't see what they were on about. Perhaps if the clips were longer, and without all the yakking of what we are supposed to see would have been better. Bloopers are supposed to be funny, these just weren't.
Americans just aren’t anywhere near as funny as they thing they are. It’s all too much, isn’t it?
This sucked!
I love the cannon ball bloopers so funny
Well that was a waste of 2 minutes. Yes thats as far as I made it. IT SUCKED
Hey narrater, You're lame as hell. Thanks for a 20 second introduction for a 5 second blooper that isn't even funny . Just show the blooper and shut the hell up
Maybe show more of the clips next time. I feel like taking about them like this is like telling me a punch line to a joke 1st and then telling me the full joke and not getting why I'm not laughing.